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English-German translation for: ante
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Dictionary English German: ante

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NOUN   an ante | antes
VERB  to ante | anted/anteed | anted/anteed ... 
NOUN   die Ante | die Anten
ante {prep}
vor [vorher, zeitlich und räumlich]
games ante
Pokereinsatz {m}
archi. hist. ante
Ante {f}
2 Words
hist. ante Christum {adv} <A.C.> [rare]ante Christum <a. Chr.>
pharm. ante cibum {adv} <a.c., AC, ac> [before meals]vor dem Essen <v. d. E.>
ante meridiem {adv} <am, a.m., AM, A.M.>vormittags
ante-war {adj}Vorkriegs-
before Christ {adv} <BC>ante Christum <a. Chr.>
before Christ {adv} <BC>ante Christum natum <a. Chr. n.>
pharm. before meals {adv}ante cenam <a.c.> [auf Rezepten; vor den Mahlzeiten, vor dem Essen]
ex ante {adv}vorab
games to ante upsetzen [Geldbetrag]
to ante up [pay]ausspucken [Geld]
to ante up sth. [money]etw. aufbringen [Geld]
ante roomWartezimmer {n}
archi. ante-chamberVorzimmer {n}
games penny antePfennigpoker {n}
3 Words
games to raise the antenoch einmal nachlegen [ugs.]
to up the ante [coll.] [idiom](noch) einen draufsetzen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
games to up the ante [coll.] [idiom]den Einsatz erhöhen
to up the ante [coll.] [idiom]noch einmal nachlegen
games nickel-ante poker [Am.] [Can.]Pfennigpoker {n}
games penny ante pokerPfennigpoker {n}
games penny-ante pokerPfennigpoker {n}
penny-ante stuff [esp. Am.] [coll.]Kleinkram {m} [ugs.]
status quo anteStatus quo ante {m} [geh.]
acad. hist. terminus ante quemterminus / Terminus {m} ante quem
4 Words
status quo ante bellumZustand {m} vor dem Krieg
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Q 2019-09-28: low-ex ante appeal
A 2018-09-11: a statutory ex-ante audit
A 2013-02-12: a.m. = ante meridiem, before noon
A 2011-08-08: In Roman times, the hours +ante meridiem / post meridiem+ were rather impr...
A 2011-02-27: Vixere fortes ante Agamemnona
A 2009-09-26: The word "Riegel" always reminds me of this fantastic scene from Loriot's ...
A 2009-05-17: *Proteus ante portam*??
A 2009-01-31: So, the prefix is "an-" not "ante-"
A 2008-11-17: Da sollten wir nun Näheres wissen! Der Neue Präsident *ante portas*?
A 2008-11-02: Minou, beruhige Dich doch bitte, Proteus ante portas est!
A 2007-12-15: I know. It's a riot. But I did answer your question, sunfunlili. Now ante ...
A 2007-11-03: pappa ante portas ist auch nicht schlecht:
A 2007-08-30: to up the "ante" / to raise the stakes / to make matters more "interesting"
A 2007-04-26: ante-office
A 2006-12-04: 'Contract price' is better than my suggestion, so I'll up the ante :-)
A 2004-02-11: up the ante
A 2004-02-11: ante
A 2004-02-11: up the ante
A 2004-02-11: up the ante
A 2004-02-11: to ante up = Schulden begleichen

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