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English-German translation for: anti-Nazi
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Dictionary English German: anti Nazi

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anti-Nazi symbolsAnti-Nazi-Symbole {pl}
Partial Matches
hist. Nazi GermanyNazi-Deutschland {n} [ugs.] [Drittes Reich]
pol. die-hard NaziAlt-Nazi {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
pol. veteran NaziAlt-Nazi {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
psych. Nazi deprogramming programNazi-Aussteigerprogramm {n}
pol. NaziNazi {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
hist. Nazi dictatorshipNazi-Diktatur {f}
Nazi huntingNazi-Jagd {f}
pol. nazi partyNazi-Partei {f}
nazi pastNazi-Vergangenheit {f}
med. anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy <anti-VEGF therapy>anti-vaskuläre endotheliale Wachstumsfaktor-Therapie {f} <Anti-VEGF-Therapie>
lit. F The Nazi and the Barber [earlier titles: The Nazi and the Barber, a Tale of Vengeance / The Nazi Who Lived As a Jew]Der Nazi & der Friseur [Edgar Hilsenrath]
anti {adj} [pred.] [coll.]anti [nur prädikativ] [ugs.] [dagegen eingestellt]
anti-racism campaignAnti-Rassismus-Kampagne {f} [auch: Antirassismus-Kampagne]
med. anti-vaccination movementAnti-Impf-Bewegung {f} [auch: Anti-Impfbewegung]
EU law Anti Tax Avoidance Directive <ATAD> [short title]Anti-Steuervermeidungsrichtlinie {f}
med. mouse anti-rabbit {adj} <MAR>Maus-anti-Kaninchen- <MAK>
med. rabbit anti-mouse {adj} <RAM>Kaninchen-anti-Maus- <KAM>
cosmet. anti-ageing cream [esp. Br.]Anti-Aging-Creme {f} [auch: Antiagingcreme]
cosmet. pharm. anti-ageing substance [Br.]Anti-Aging-Mittel {n} [auch Antiaging-Mittel]
pol. anti-nuclear power movementAnti-Atomkraftbewegung {f} [auch: Anti-Atomkraft-Bewegung]
med. pneumatic anti-shock garments <PASG> [rare]pneumatische Anti-Schock-Hosen {pl}
mil. anti-ballistic missile <ABM>Anti-Raketen-Rakete {f}
MedTech. anti-decubitus mattressAnti-Dekubitusmatratze {f} [auch: Antidekubitusmatratze]
anti-mould mat [Br.]Anti-Schimmel-Matte {f}
anti-colic (nursing) bottleAnti-Kolik-Fläschchen {n}
hist. pol. anti-Vietnam War movementAnti-Vietnamkrieg-Bewegung {f}
med. anti-anginal therapyanti-anginale Therapie {f}
biochem. med. anti-apoptotic effectanti-apoptotische Wirkung {f}
anti-climb paintAnti-Kletter-Farbe {f}
anti-gun idiotAnti-Waffen-Narr {m}
RealEst. anti-homeless spikesAnti-Obdachlosen-Stacheln {pl}
pol. anti-immigration protestsAnti-Einwanderungs-Proteste {pl}
pol. anti-Kremlin activistAnti-Kreml-Aktivist {m}
chem. anti-Markovnikov productAnti-Markownikow-Produkt {n}
pol. anti-Muslim partyAnti-Islam-Partei {f}
nucl. pol. anti-nuclear movementAnti-AKW-Bewegung {f}
nucl. anti-nuclear movementAnti-Atom-Bewegung {f}
nucl. pol. anti-nuclear movementAnti-Atomkraft-Bewegung {f}
pol. sociol. anti-poverty campaignersAnti-Armuts-Aktivisten {pl}
econ. law anti-pyramid lawsAnti-Pyramiden-Gesetze {pl}
mil. weapons anti-satellite weaponAnti-Satelliten-Waffe {f}
anti-terrorism exerciseAnti-Terrorismus-Übung {f}
law pol. anti-terrorism lawsAnti-Terror-Gesetze {pl}
law pol. anti-terrorist lawsAnti-Terror-Gesetze {pl}
anti-terrorist policeAnti-Terror-Einheit {f}
law mil. anti-terrorist squadAnti-Terror-Truppe {f}
anti-terrorist unitAnti-Terror-Einheit {f}
phys. anti-collision systemAnti-Kollisionssystem {n}
econ. pol. anti-inflationary policyAnti-Inflationspolitik {f}
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