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English-German translation for: anyone
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Dictionary English German: anyone

Translation 1 - 75 of 75

English German
PRON   anyone | anyone | anyone's
anyone {pron}
anyone {pron}
anyone {pron} [subject]
jemand <jd.>
anyone {pron} [no matter which]
anyone {pron}
anyone {pron}ein beliebiger [alt]
anyone {pron}jeder beliebige [alt]
anyone [pronoun]ein Beliebiger {m} [Substantiv]
anyone [pronoun]jeder Beliebige {m} [Substantiv]
2 Words: Others
anyone (whatsoever) {pron}jedwede
anyone (whatsoever) {pron}jedweder
anyone butjeder außer
anyone else {pron}jeder andere [nicht geschlechtsbezogen]
anyone else {pron}sonst jemand
anyone whojeder, der
anyone whomjedem dem
by anyone {adv}durch irgendjemanden
2 Words: Verbs
to almost anyonefür nahezu jeden / jedermann
2 Words: Nouns
anyone interested {sg}Interessenten {pl}
3 Words: Others
anyone but mealle außer mir
anyone can buyjeder kann kaufen
Anyone for coffee?Möchte jemand Kaffee?
available to anyone {adj} [postpos.]für jeden verfügbar
beyond anyone's understandingjenseits des Fassbaren
in almost anyonebei nahezu jedem / jedermann
Should anyone call, ...Sollte jemand anrufen, ...
sth. is anyone's guessetw. sei dahingestellt
That's anyone's guess.Das ist reine Vermutung.
4 Words: Others
Anyone can fall ill.Jeder kann krank werden.
Anyone can see that!Jeder kann das sehen!
Anyone can take part.Jeder kann teilnehmen.
Anyone would think that ...Jeder würde meinen, dass ...
as uninspired as anyoneso uninspiriert wie alle anderen (auch)
better than anyone elsebesser als jeder andere
Hasn't anyone told you?Hat es Ihnen noch niemand gesagt?
I never told anyone.Ich habe es nie jemandem erzählt.
Is anyone on for ... ? [coll.]Hat jemand Bock auf ... ? [ugs.]
more than anyone elsemehr als jeder andere
Will anyone offer more?Wer bietet mehr?
Woe betide anyone who ...Wehe dem, der ...
You didn't tell anyone.Sie haben es niemandem erzählt. [formelle Anrede]
5+ Words: Others
bibl. quote And do not call anyone on earth 'father', for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. [Mt 23:9; NIV]Und ihr sollt niemanden unter euch Vater nennen auf Erden; denn einer ist euer Vater, der im Himmel ist. [Mt 23,9; Luther 1984]
proverb Anyone can err, but only the fool persists in his fault.Irren ist menschlich, im Irrtum beharren dumm.
Anyone could handle this machine.Jeder kann diese Maschine bedienen.
Anyone else would have given up.Jeder andere hätte aufgegeben.
idiom Anyone in for some more? [coll.]Wer hat noch nicht, wer will nochmal / noch mal? [ugs.] [hum.]
Anyone is welcome to my share.Jeder kann meinen Anteil haben.
anyone who acts like thatwer sich so benimmt
anyone who reads this willwer dieses Testament liest
anyone who wants to comewer kommen möchte
Anyone will tell you so.Jeder wird dir das so sagen.
Apply to anyone you like!Wende dich an irgendjemand!
as long as anyone can rememberseit Menschengedenken
TrVocab. Does anyone here speak English?Spricht hier jemand Englisch?
for as long as anyone can rememberseit eh und je
proverb Hard work never hurt anyone.Arbeit hat noch niemandem geschadet.
proverb Hard work never hurt anyone.Arbeit macht das Leben süß.
Has anyone left an umbrella here?Ist hier ein Schirm stehen geblieben?
He took off without saying goodbye to anyone.Er ist gegangen, ohne sich von irgendjemandem zu verabschieden.
I can't see anyone whatsoever.Ich kann überhaupt niemanden sehen.
I defy anyone to do it.Den möchte ich sehen, der das fertigbringt.
I'd like to see anyone else do that!Das macht mir bestimmt keiner nach!
I'd like to see anyone else do that!Das soll mir erst mal einer nachmachen!
more than anyone could ask formehr als man erwarten konnte
more than anyone could ask formehr als man sich wünschen konnte
sb. (just) won't be told (by anyone)jd. ist (und bleibt (einfach)) unbelehrbar
idiom That could happen to anyone.Dagegen ist keiner gefeit.
There's nothing anyone can do about it.Dagegen ist kein Kraut gewachsen. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
without anyone being (any) the wiser {adv}ohne dass es jemand merkt
You can't tell anyone, not even your mother.Du darfst es niemandem sagen, nicht einmal deiner Mutter.
You mustn't let on to anyone.Du darfst es niemandem verraten.
5+ Words: Verbs
to have nothing to do with anyone apart fromniemand anders etwas angehen als
to run it up the flagpole (and see if anyone salutes it) [hum. or pej.]einen Versuchsballon starten [fig.]
5+ Words: Nouns
book that anyone can understandgemeinverständliches Buch {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F That Can Happen to AnyoneDas kann jedem passieren [Paul Verhoeven]
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Q 2023-09-12: Anyone raised chickens? What do you call "lash eggs" in German?
A 2022-05-29: Source. Where has our friend +Leop22+ from the +Federated States of Micron...
A 2020-10-20: if anyone looks here in 2020
A 2019-01-09: They got intimate with each other that night, but they didn't tell anyone.
Q 2018-10-27: Anyone else notice that the 7-day hall of fame is off?
Q 2018-10-24: this is anyone’s game
Q 2018-04-12: resolution hearing, anyone?
Q 2018-03-16: Has anyone ever heard of "a monkey with a tin tool"?
Q 2018-01-25: Does anyone understand this passage?
A 2017-11-12: https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=iowIWqTAF4Gua8P3haAM&q=%22Es+kann+jeden...
A 2017-11-12: https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=tosIWvXVJYfGkgXTkqXQAQ&q=%22Es+kann+jed...
Q 2017-11-11: Anyone recall this unforgettable London gig?
Q 2017-10-26: Anyone here who did some medical translations?
Q 2017-05-12: Can anyone help me to understand below English sentence?
Q 2017-04-09: Anyone to help me with my CV in German? (2 job descriptions only)
A 2017-01-18: for anyone who was wondering...
A 2016-07-08: Theoretically, yes. But I can't imagine anyone actually putting it like that.
A 2016-05-09: +...in case anyone had noticed how long he’d been sitting there+
Q 2016-04-08: Could anyone please inspect this text for mistakes? I would be very thankful :)
Q 2016-02-28: dont let anyone get the better of you

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anyone else
Anyone for coffee
Anyone in for some more
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