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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: anything.
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Dictionary English German: anything

Translation 1 - 50 of 237  >>

English German
PRON   anything | anything | anything's
NOUN   anything | -
anything {pron}
etwas [irgendetwas]
anything {pron}
anything {pron}
anything {pron}
irgendwas [ugs.]
anything {pron}jedes beliebige [alt]
anythingalles Mögliche {n}
anythingjedes Beliebige {n}
2 Words: Others
... as anything {adv} [coll.]... bis dorthinaus [ugs.] [ganz besonders]
Anything amiss?Ist etwas nicht in Ordnung?
anything butkeineswegs
anything butalles außer
anything butalles andere als
anything butnichts weniger als [alles andere als]
Anything but ...Alles, nur nicht ...
Anything but.Ganz und gar nicht.
anything else {pron}sonstwas [alt]
TrVocab. Anything else?Noch etwas, bitte?
Anything else?Sonst noch etwas?
Anything else?Sonst noch was?
anything exceptalles außer
Anything goes.Alles geht.
Anything goes.Alles ist erlaubt.
Anything goes.Nichts ist verboten.
anything whatsoever {pron}jedwedes
barely anything {pron}kaum etwas
hardly anythingfast gar nichts
if anything {adv}womöglich
if anythingwenn überhaupt
If anything ...Wenn überhaupt, dann ...
if anything, ... {adv}im Gegenteil, ...
most anything {pron} [Am.]fast alles
scarcely anythingfast nichts
scarcely anything {pron}kaum etwas
2 Words: Verbs
to believe anythingalles glauben
idiom to swallow anythingalles glauben
2 Words: Nouns
anything unusualirgendetwas Ungewöhnliches {n}
3 Words: Others
anything and everything {pron}alles und jedes
anything but funny {adj}alles andere als komisch
Anything but that!Nur dies nicht!
Anything but that!Nur nicht das!
anything like that {pron}etwas wie das
Anything will do.Alles wird passen.
anything within reasonalles, was vernünftig ist
anything you likewas immer dir gefällt
Internet Ask me anything. <AMA>Frag mich irgendetwas.
Internet Ask me anything. <AMA>Frag mich irgendwas. [ugs.]
before anything else {adv}vor allem anderen
Don't mind anything!Nichts beachten!
Is anything wrong?Ist was?
Is anything wrong?Stimmt irgendwas nicht? [ugs.]
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A 2024-10-20: Anything ever any spammier on this Forum???
A 2024-10-20: Anything ever any spammier on this Forum???
A 2024-10-20: Anything ever any spammier on this Forum???
A 2024-04-28: all in: very tired, so you are unable to do anything more
A 2023-04-08: @Leop22: "dict.cc" doesn't do anything, its users do.
A 2023-02-24: American scones are too sweet to add anything else.
A 2022-06-06: Wiederhole meinen Übersetzungsvorschlag: what if anything would then remai...
A 2022-06-04: Here +viel+ is used loosely / infomally ~ what if anything would then rema...
A 2021-10-15: Speaking as a young person living in the German speaking world, I’ve never...
Q 2021-02-04: ERROR: File size too small – did you record anything?
Q 2020-11-12: Way beyond anything?
A 2020-10-25: If Wiki is anything to go by +fine motor skills+ imply +hands and fingers,...
A 2020-09-09: a reason can be given for everything, but not everything is a reason for a...
A 2020-05-10: Is there anything not to be taken seriously in this forum?
A 2019-11-15: Can a testator — privately or through his solicitor — oblige third parties...
A 2019-08-14: Anything critical of multiculturalism provokes simplistic shying at an Aun...
A 2019-04-06: That was only an example, Sasso'! Of course you can black out anything you...
A 2019-03-04: I have never come across either, so I cannot teach anybody anything in thi...
A 2019-02-21: In BE, thrown on its own is ok and isn't short for anything as far as I know.
A 2019-02-04: Can mean almost anything

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