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English-German translation for: anywhere
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Dictionary English German: anywhere

Translation 1 - 39 of 39

English German
SYNO   anyplace | anywhere
anywhere {adv}
anywhere {adv}
anywhere {adv} [to any place]
anywhere {adv} [to any place]
2 Words: Others
almost anywhere {adv}fast überall
anywhere butüberall außer
anywhere else {adv}irgendwo anders
anywhere else {pron}sonst überall
3 Words: Others
any time, anywhere {adv} [often used to advertise]immer und überall [bes. bei der Werbung]
anywhere you are {adv}überall
anywhere you gowo immer du auch hingehst
miles from anywhereganz abgelegen
miles from anywhere {adv} [coll.]jwd [berlinerisch: janz weit draußen] [ugs.]
not ... anywhere else {adv}an keinem anderen Ort
not anywhere near {adv} [idiom]nicht annähernd
not anywhere near {adv} [idiom]nicht einmal annähernd
not from anywhere {adv}nirgendwoher
sb. can't get anywhere [jobwise etc.]jd. bringt es zu nichts [ugs.]
3 Words: Verbs
to go practically anywherepraktisch überall hingehen
to not get sb. anywherejdn. nicht (viel) weiterbringen
3 Words: Nouns
strike-anywhere matchesÜberallanzünder {pl} [Überallzündhölzer]
strike-anywhere matchesÜberallstreichhölzer {pl} [Überallzündhölzer]
strike-anywhere matchesÜberallzünder {pl} [kurz für: Überallzündhölzer]
strike-anywhere matchesÜberallzündhölzer {pl} [auch: Überall-Zündhölzer] [mit Phosphor-Schwefel-Verbindung im Zündkopf]
strike-anywhere matchesCowboy-Matches {pl} [ugs.] [Überallzündhölzer]
4 Words: Others
anywhere else than homeüberall, nur nicht zu Hause
He'll never get anywhere.Er wird es nie zu etwas bringen.
We're not going anywhere.Wir gehen nirgendwohin.
4 Words: Verbs
idiom to not be getting anywherenicht vom Fleck kommen
5+ Words: Others
Are you going anywhere else?Gehst du sonst (noch) irgendwo anders hin? [ugs.]
Are you going anywhere tomorrow?Gehst du morgen wo hin?
He wasn't anywhere to be found.Er war nirgends zu finden.
Is there anywhere I could freshen up? [Br.]Kann ich mich irgendwo frischmachen?
That doesn't get us anywhere.Das hilft uns nicht weiter.
idiom This discussion isn't getting us anywhere.Diese Diskussion führt uns nicht weiter.
idiom This discussion isn't getting us anywhere.Diese Diskussion führt zu nichts.
quote Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere. [Party Animals]Sich Sorgen zu machen, ist wie ein Schaukelstuhl. Man ist zwar beschäftigt, aber man kommt nicht voran.
idiom You won't get anywhere with that.Damit kannst du keinen Blumentopf gewinnen. [ugs.]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Anywhere but Here [Wayne Wang]Überall, nur nicht hier
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A 2023-02-25: No, das Böse - Evil is not entered anywhere in the dictionary. The meaning...
Q 2022-11-08: Any quirkier public health practices anywhere?
A 2022-04-24: he feels a God-given / divine right to park anywhere
A 2019-02-14: "Stuck on frobile, with my tongue getting blue" - could not find it anywhere!
Q 2017-11-28: Struggle all you want, you're not going anywhere! (Bondage related)
Q 2017-04-03: to be hard-pressed to find anywhere but
A 2016-08-06: anywhere heißt Wohnplatz
Q 2016-08-05: I don't have anywhere to live right now.
A 2015-10-10: "much, much worse than anywhere else in the world"
A 2015-05-18: Are you sure this is the right quote? I can't see "Menschheitsgescichte" a...
A 2014-08-28: A literal translation does not get you anywhere in the German legal sphere...
A 2014-08-15: anywhere from
A 2014-07-13: wading pools come at anywhere from 1ft. to 4ft. deep.
A 2013-10-19: silvered ~ when someone gets prioritized second (or anywhere other than first).
Q 2013-09-03: Can´t find it anywhere
A 2013-06-14: If those spied upon do not energetically oppose such state practices, they...
Q 2012-11-01: almost more than anywhere else
A 2012-07-31: ...than anywhere else in the world
A 2012-07-05: Cool, but more precisely it means "never used at full power or anywhere ne...
A 2012-03-31: Is this anywhere near correct?

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