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English-German translation for: aperture
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Dictionary English German: aperture

Translation 1 - 50 of 89  >>

English German
NOUN   an aperture | apertures
Öffnung {f}
photo. aperture
Blende {f}
photo. aperture
Blendenöffnung {f}
tech. aperture
Durchbruch {m}
photo. aperture
Blendeneinstellung {f}
photo. aperture
Loch {n} [Lochkamera]
tech. aperture
Durchlass {m}
biol. med. aperture
Apertur {f} [Öffnung eines Körperhohlraums]
optics apertureÖffnungsweite {f} [Apertur]
2 Words: Nouns
anat. anal apertureAnalöffnung {f}
electr. anode apertureAnodenöffnung {f}
photo. aperture adjustmentBlendensteuerung {f}
photo. aperture angleAperturwinkel {m}
MedTech. photo. aperture angleÖffnungswinkel {m}
aperture cardFilmlochkarte {f}
aperture cardMikrofilmlochkarte {f}
photo. aperture controlBlendensteuerung {f}
electr. photo. aperture correctionAperturkorrektur {f}
electr. aperture couplingAperturkopplung {f}
photo. aperture dialBlendenregler {m}
electr. engin. telecom. aperture diameterAperturdurchmesser {m}
photo. telecom. aperture diameterBlendendurchmesser {m}
optics aperture diaphragmAperturblende {f}
MedTech. photo. aperture diaphragmLochblende {f}
optics photo. aperture diaphragmÖffnungsblende {f} [Aperturblende, ApBl]
aperture distortionAperturverzerrung {f}
electr. RadioTV aperture grille <AG>Streifenmaske {f}
photo. aperture preselectionBlendenvorwahl {f}
aperture priorityPriorität {f} der Blende [Zeitautomatik]
photo. aperture priority <Av / A>Zeitautomatik {f} <Av / A>
photo. aperture priority <Av, A>Blendenvorwahl {f} <Av, A>
aperture rangeBlendenbereich {m}
optics aperture ratioÖffnungsverhältnis {n}
photo. tech. aperture resistanceBlendenwiderstand {m}
aperture restrictorMessblende {f} [allg.]
photo. aperture ringBlendenstellring {m}
photo. tech. aperture rotationBlendendrehung {f}
photo. aperture scaleBlendenskala {f}
photo. aperture selectionBlendenwahl {f}
photo. aperture settingBlendeneinstellung {f}
aperture sheetAperturplatte {f}
weapons aperture sightLochkimme {f}
photo. aperture signalBlendensignal {n}
aperture slotÖffnungsschlitz {m}
optics aperture stopAperturblende {f}
optics aperture widthÖffnungsweite {f}
photo. camera apertureBlendenöffnung {f}
tech. circle apertureKreisblende {f} [Lochblende]
phys. circular apertureLochblende {f}
MedTech. clear aperture <CA>freie Apertur {f} [Objektivdurchmesser]
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A 2009-09-06: [objective or lens with] automatic aperture control
Q 2009-03-15: aperture recessed downlight
Q 2008-02-26: the aperture, in which must be filled up with the metal bush and both it a...
A 2007-01-29: inspection aperture
A 2005-09-19: Try aperture
A 2005-07-22: "aperture inserts" or "wall inserts" > ÖffnungsFÜLLUNGEN
A 2005-07-22: Suggest using something like "aperture inserts" or "wall inserts"*
Q 2005-07-21: Öffnungsausfüllungen und deren Schutz / Aperture fillings and their protection
A 2005-05-02: could be minimum aperture
A 2004-12-06: beam aperture
A 2004-10-18: aperture = Blende, Blendenöffnung, Blendeneinstellung
A 2004-04-23: The aperture can be opened continuously by a 360 degree circular movement
A 2004-02-27: The cover glass of the light (exit) aperture is can be swiveled down.

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