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English-German translation for: apology
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Dictionary English German: apology

Translation 1 - 23 of 23

English German
NOUN   an apology | apologies
SYNO   apology | excuse | apologia | apology
Entschuldigung {f}
Rechtfertigung {f} [Entschuldigung, Verteidigung]
Entschuldigen {n}
Abbitte {f} [geh.]
Verteidigung {f}
lit. apology [apologia]Apologie {f} [Verteidigungsrede, -schrift]
2 Words
apology letterEntschuldigungsbrief {m}
Internet photo. apology videoEntschuldigungsvideo {n}
Unverified blanket apologypauschale (in der Regel unaufrichtige) Entschuldigung
formal apologyförmliche Entschuldigung {f}
unreserved apologyoffenherzige Entschuldigung {f}
written apologyschriftliche Entschuldigung {f}
3 Words
to accept an apologyeine Entschuldigung annehmen
to demand an apologyeine Entschuldigung verlangen
to offer an apologyeine Entschuldigung anbieten
letter of apologyEntschuldigungsschreiben {n}
4 Words
by way of apology {adv}als Entschuldigung
to make a formal apologyin aller Form um Entschuldigung bitten
an apology of sortseine Art {f} Entschuldigung
5+ Words
His apology was a day late and a dollar short. [Am.] [Idiom]Seine Entschuldigung kam zu spät und war zu dürftig.
an apology for a dinnerschlechtes Beispiel {n} eines Essens
an apology for a speechschlechtes Beispiel {n} einer Rede
Fiction (Literature and Film)
philos. F The Apology of Socrates [short: the Apology]Die Apologie {f} des Sokrates [kurz: die Apologie]
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A 2022-11-14: My apology. Yes idiom. Knew her back then.
Q 2018-04-07: to issue a retraction, to issue an apology
Q 2017-09-25: An apology
A 2015-07-13: I see what has happened. My apology to all.
Q 2014-05-02: Response to apology
Q 2014-04-03: Apology Brief
A 2014-02-05: @Proofreader: but version 1 is an apology, too, isn't it? Oo
Q 2013-05-19: To demand an apology from s.o.
A 2012-11-14: Apology
A 2012-10-25: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/richard-adams-blog/2010/jun/17/joe-barton-...
A 2012-02-26: Apology
A 2010-12-12: @Wandle - no need to apology, I am thankful for help
A 2010-11-17: Apology
A 2009-12-29: Apology
Q 2009-10-15: Aus dem Text "An Apology For Poetry"
A 2009-10-05: So maybe 'I'm a beginner, please speak slowly' is best. (with no apology :-)
A 2009-09-12: Apology accepted!
Q 2009-04-07: Public apology to Nitram
Q 2006-08-22: A delayed apology...
A 2006-04-24: Hm, working off a laptop today and a non-qwerty to boot... this is a blank...

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• apology
apology letter
apology video

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