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English-German translation for: apparent
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Dictionary English German: apparent

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ADJ   apparent | more apparent | most apparent
SYNO   apparent | ostensible | seeming ... 
ADJ  apparent | [selten] apparenter | [selten] am apparentesten ... 
apparent {adj}
apparent {adj} [ostensible rather than actual]
apparent {adj}
apparent {adj} [ostensible rather than actual]
scheinbar [ugs.] [anscheinend]
apparent {adj} [visible]
apparent {adj}
apparent {adj}
augenscheinlich [geh.]
apparent {adj} [ostensible]
apparent {adj}
med. apparent {adj}
2 Words: Others
apparent (from) {adj}ersichtlich (aus)
2 Words: Verbs
to be apparentauffallen
to be apparentoffensichtlich sein
to be apparent [fig.] [be obvious]auf der Hand liegen [Redewendung]
to become apparentbekannt werden
to become apparentsichAkk. abzeichnen
to become apparentsichAkk. andeuten
to become apparentsichAkk. herausstellen
to become apparentsich zeigen
to grow apparentaugenscheinlich werden [geh.]
2 Words: Nouns
apparent affluencesichtbarer Wohlstand {m}
apparent altitudescheinbare Höhe {f}
brew apparent attenuationscheinbarer Vergärungsgrad {m}
apparent calmscheinbare Stille {f} [Ruhe]
apparent contradictionscheinbarer Widerspruch {m}
electr. apparent currentScheinstrom {m}
apparent damageoffensichtlicher Schaden {m}
law apparent dangerAnscheinsgefahr {f}
apparent dangeraugenscheinliche Gefahr {f}
zool. apparent death[scheinbares Totsein bei Tieren (verschiedene Ursachen)]
apparent defectaugenscheinlicher Mangel {m}
apparent defectoffensichtlicher Fehler {m}
apparent defectoffensichtlicher Mangel {m}
apparent effectoffensichtlicher Mangel {m}
electr. apparent energyScheinenergie {f}
apparent erroroffensichtlicher Fehler {m}
apparent heirmutmaßlicher Erbe {m}
apparent horizonscheinbarer Horizont {m}
apparent innocencescheinbare Unschuld {f}
apparent magnitudescheinbare Größe {f}
astron. apparent magnitudescheinbare Helligkeit {f}
apparent mistakeoffensichtlicher Fehler {m}
film phys. apparent motionBewegungstäuschung {f}
film phys. apparent motionScheinbewegung {f}
film phys. apparent movementBewegungstäuschung {f}
film phys. psych. apparent movementScheinbewegung {f}
electr. apparent powerScheinleistung {f}
electr. apparent resistanceScheinwiderstand {m}
astron. apparent retrogradationscheinbare Retrogradation {f}
apparent sincerityscheinbare Aufrichtigkeit {f}
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A 2023-03-12: This makes sense of an apparent contradiction above
A 2018-04-27: Apparent does have two meanings.
Q 2018-04-27: Are both meanings of the word apparent correct ?
A 2017-05-04: "prangen" means: to be apparent and attracting attention
A 2015-10-15: asymmetric power, i.e. the contribution of asymmetry to the collective app...
A 2014-08-19: lässt (es) sichtbar werden - makes (it) visible / apparent / obvious
Q 2012-05-17: "notice of apparent liability for forfeiture" (=NAL)
A 2012-03-14: Typolilly (07:19) ... became +apparent+ , at the latest, ...
A 2011-09-22: "reflect" here in its definition of "to show / to make apparent."
A 2011-05-07: Only problem with that was Goethe's apparent rejection of Christianity in 1782
A 2011-04-30: One's fate is often written in the sand, in plain sight, long before it be...
A 2011-02-24: real power, reactive power, apparent power
A 2011-01-19: A continuous time of apparent happiness often makes ourselves frightenly o...
A 2011-01-04: for no apparent reason
A 2010-11-09: Human nature is becoming all too apparent in ...
Q 2010-10-10: apparent speed
A 2010-08-09: In this case, the contrast is not the one apparent at first sight.
A 2010-07-26: 'is underscored by' means 'is emphasised by', 'is clearly apparent in'
A 2010-05-05: ... the apparent difficulty in assessing children's actual competence from...
A 2009-11-20: Any errors occuring in this process will first become apparent in the Radi...

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