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English-German translation for: appointment as one's heir
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Dictionary English German: appointment as one's heir

Translation 1 - 50 of 35715  >>

law appointment as one's heirErbeinsetzung {f}
Partial Matches
to appoint sb. as (one's) heirjdn. als / zum Erben einsetzen
appointment of an heirEinsetzung {f} eines Erben
to adopt sb. as heirjdn. als Erben annehmen
to designate sb. as heirjdn. zum Erben bestellen
appointment asErnennung {f} als
to uphold one's reputation as ...seinem Ruf als ... gerecht werden
educ. teaching as one's professionLehrberuf {m}
to accept sth. as one's ownetw. als sein Eigentum anerkennen
to adopt sth. as one's maximetw.Akk. zur Maxime erheben
to adopt sth. as one's ownsichDat. etw.Akk. zu eigen machen
to cite sth. as one's reasonetw. als Grund anführen
to make one's mark as sth.sichAkk. als etw.Nom. hervortun
to offer sb. one's services as ...jdm. seine Dienste als ... anbieten
to take sth. as one's subjectetw. zu seinem Thema machen
as long as one's armso lang wie der Arm
to act as one's own counselsichAkk. selbst verteidigen
to act as one's own counselsich selbst vertreten
one-to-one appointmentpersönliches Gespräch {n}
to adopt sth. as one's own [intellectually]sichDat. etw.Akk. anverwandeln [geh.]
to cement one's status as sth. [fig.]seinen Status als etw. festigen [fig.]
to make one's debut as sb./sth.als jd./etw. debütieren
to be as good as one's word(sein) Wort halten
idiom to be as good as one's wordhalten, was man verspricht
to name one's priority as doing sth.als sein vorrangiges Ziel angeben, etw. zu tun
to try one's hand as an authorschriftstellern
as thick as one's arm {adj} [also fig.]so dick wie ein Arm [auch fig.]
One's as good / bad as the other.Die beiden nehmen sich nichts. [ugs.]
to die as a result of one's injuriesan seinen Verletzungen sterben
to take a girl as one's wife [dated]ein Mädchen heimführen [veraltet]
X is Y's heir.X beerbt Y.
to have been dropped on one's head as a baby [idiom]als Kind zu heiß gebadet worden sein [Redewendung]
to live up to one's responsibilities as ... [e.g. a parent, vendor etc.]seiner Verantwortung als ... nachkommen
to fail to live up to one's responsibilities as ... [e.g. a parent, vendor, journalist etc.]seiner Verantwortung als ... nicht nachkommen
med. doctor's appointmentArzttermin {m}
to cancel sb.'s appointmentjdn. abbestellen
quote To get back one's youth, one has merely to repeat one's follies. [Oscar Wilde]Um seine Jugend zurückzubekommen, muss man nur seine Torheiten wiederholen.
to mind one's p's and q's [idiom] [while speaking]auf seine Sprache achten
as one (voice) {adv}wie eine Stimme
as one chooses {adv}wie man wünscht
as one desires {adv}wie man wünscht
as one likes {adv}wie man möchte
as one man {adv}wie ein einziger Mann
as one pleases {adv}wie es einem gefällt
as one pleases {adv}wie man gerne möchte
as one should {adv}schicklich
as one wishes {adv}wie man wünscht
to dot the / one's i's and cross the / one's t's [coll.] [idiom](äußerst) pingelig sein [ugs.] [alles bis aufs i-Tüpfelchen genau machen]
to be in one of one's moods [coll.] [idiom]seine fünf Minuten haben [ugs.] [Redewendung] [unbeherrscht / unleidlich sein]
to grind one's (cigarette) butt under one's heelseinen Zigarettenstummel austreten
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