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English-German translation for: appreciate
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Dictionary English German: appreciate

Translation 1 - 68 of 68

English German
VERB  to appreciate | appreciated | appreciated ... 
SYNO   to appreciate | to apprise ... 
to appreciate sb./sth.
jdn./etw. würdigen
to appreciate
schätzen [hochschätzen]
to appreciate
to appreciate sth.
etw.Akk. begrüßen [gutheißen]
to appreciate
to appreciate
honorieren [würdigen]
to appreciate [be aware of]
to appreciate [understand]
to appreciate sth. [assess, judge]
etw. bewerten
to appreciate [assess, appraise]
to appreciate sth. [understand]
etw. einsehen
econ. to appreciate [in value]
to appreciate sth. [be grateful for]
etw. anerkennen
to appreciate sth. [enjoy]
etw. genießen
to appreciate [to correctly estimate value]
spec. to appreciate sth. [feelings of others]
etw. anempfinden [geh.]
to appreciate [understand]
erfassen [einsehen]
to appreciate [evaluate]
to appreciate [understand]
ermessen [begreifen]
to appreciate [enjoy]
to appreciate sb./sth.
jdn./etw. wertschätzen
to appreciate
gustieren [goutieren]
to appreciate sth. [value highly]
etw. goutieren [geh.] [gutheißen, zustimmen]
to appreciate sth.
etw. würdigen [wertschätzen]
to appreciatehoch schätzen
econ. to appreciateWert steigern
econ. to appreciatean Wert gewinnen / zunehmen
to appreciate [be grateful]dankbar sein (für)
to appreciate [enjoy]gern haben [alt]
to appreciate sth.etw.Akk. apprezieren [selten] [veraltet]
to appreciate sth.etw. zu schätzen wissen
to appreciate sth.etw. zu würdigen wissen
to appreciate sth. [be aware of]sichDat. etw.Gen. bewusst sein
to appreciate sth. [be receptive of]an etw.Dat. Gefallen finden
to appreciate sth. [correctly estimate value or worth of sth.]etw. richtig einschätzen
to appreciate sth. [set great store by sth.]auf etw.Akk. Wert legen [Redewendung]
to appreciate sth. [understand]Verständnis für etw. haben
2 Words: Verbs
to appreciate colours [Br.]Farben schätzen
to appreciate qualityQualität schätzen
to appreciate sb.'s meritsjds. Verdienste würdigen
to appreciate soundsTöne schätzen
to appreciate valueWert schätzen
3 Words: Others
I'd appreciate that ... [Br.]Ich würde es begrüßen, dass ...
3 Words: Verbs
to appreciate (in value)im Wert steigen
fin. to appreciate a currencyeine Währung aufwerten
to appreciate in valuean Wert gewinnen
to appreciate that / whatverstehen, dass / was
to appreciate the dangers [be aware of the dangers]sichDat. der Gefahren bewusst sein
to come to appreciateschätzenlernen [alt]
to come to appreciate sb./sth.jdn./etw. schätzen lernen
4 Words: Others
... which you will appreciatewas Sie schätzen werden [formelle Anrede]
... which you will appreciatewelches Sie schätzen werden [geh.] [veraltend] [formelle Anrede]
I appreciate your concern.Ich weiß deine Bedenken zu schätzen.
I really appreciate it.Ich weiß es wirklich zu schätzen.
I'd really appreciate that.Das wäre sehr nett von dir.
market. We appreciate your business. [Thank you for shopping with us.]Vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf.
market. We appreciate your business. [Thank you for visiting us.]Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch.
We really appreciate that!Wir wissen das sehr zu schätzen!
4 Words: Verbs
fin. to appreciate against the Eurogegenüber dem Euro aufwerten
5+ Words: Others
I appreciate your faith in me.Ich danke Ihnen für Ihr Vertrauen (in mich).
I can appreciate your feelings for him.Ich kann gut nachempfinden, was Sie für ihn empfinden. [formelle Anrede]
I would appreciate it if ...Ich wäre Ihnen dankbar, wenn ...
idiom I would really appreciate that.Das wäre mir wirklich sehr lieb.
I'd also appreciate it if ...Ich wäre Ihnen auch sehr dankbar, wenn ...
I'm unable to appreciate modern music.Ich finde keinen Zugang zu moderner Musik.
Thank you, I appreciate it.Vielen Dank, sehr nett von Ihnen.
5+ Words: Verbs
to appreciate at its true valueden wahren Wert würdigen
5+ Words: Nouns
med. inability to appreciate the weight (of objects) [baragnosis, abarognosis]Unfähigkeit {f} zur Gewichtsschätzung
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A 2019-06-22: Thank you for your encouragement. I appreciate your support.
A 2019-02-03: Thanks for the efforts, Lilama. Appreciate it. ;-)
A 2018-10-05: I, too, appreciate kindness
A 2017-12-29: (23:40) You do appreciate, I hope, that translation always works both ways...
A 2017-02-17: Thank you! I really appreciate your suggestion. I'll take it without any f...
A 2016-12-05: No church ceremony. As always, I really appreciate your help.
A 2016-11-28: You do appreciate (a) the total relative number of G hits, and (b) a very ...
A 2016-10-18: Thanks, Ursinus, I really appreciate your help.
A 2015-10-02: appreciate this one
A 2015-09-28: Thanks, appreciate the comments.
A 2015-06-14: Thanks, all. Lots of insightful comments, appreciate it!
A 2015-04-16: acknowledge / appreciate
A 2015-04-15: proper / fair .... and I prefer appreciate ..... but maybe context depe...
A 2015-02-01: Thank you, I really appreciate your quick help!
Q 2014-08-12: Is it proper to say "appreciate" in this sentence?
A 2014-07-04: drop graphical, am pretty sure it's about user interfaces, but then it's y...
A 2014-03-14: dhk: I appreciate the offer
Q 2014-03-12: Not sure of the tense of much of the sentence. Would appreciate any help.
A 2014-02-25: I would very much appreciate being able to draw on your expertise in the f...
A 2013-12-30: difficult to appreciate

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