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English-German translation for: apprenticeship
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Dictionary English German: apprenticeship

Translation 1 - 58 of 58

English German
NOUN   an apprenticeship | apprenticeships
educ. jobs apprenticeship
Ausbildung {f} [Lehre]
educ. jobs apprenticeship
Lehre {f} [österr.] [sonst veraltet]
Lehrstelle {f}
Lehrzeit {f}
educ. apprenticeship [place]
Ausbildungsstelle {f}
educ. apprenticeship
Berufslehre {f} [Handwerk]
Ausbildungsverhältnis {n}
Lehrverhältnis {n}
2 Words: Nouns
apprenticeship certificateLehrlingszeugnis {n}
apprenticeship certificateLehrzeugnis {n}
apprenticeship contractLehrvertrag {m}
apprenticeship diplomaGesellenbrief {m}
lit. apprenticeship novelBildungsroman {m}
jobs apprenticeship openingsoffene Lehrstellen {pl}
apprenticeship payAusbildungsvergütung {f}
apprenticeship payLehrlingsvergütung {f}
educ. jobs apprenticeship placeAusbildungsplatz {m} [für Lehrling]
apprenticeship placeAusbildungsstelle {f}
apprenticeship placeLehrstelle {f}
jobs apprenticeship placesAusbildungsplätze {pl} [Lehrstellen]
educ. jobs apprenticeship positionLehrstelle {f}
educ. jobs apprenticeship trainingLehrlingsausbildung {f}
educ. apprenticeship workplaceLehrbetrieb {m} [Ausbildungsbetrieb]
apprenticeship workshopLehrwerkstatt {f}
apprenticeship workshopLehrwerkstätte {f}
educ. jobs baker apprenticeshipBäckerlehre {f}
educ. jobs bank apprenticeshipBanklehre {f}
educ. commercial apprenticeshipkaufmännische Lehre {f}
educ. jobs commercial apprenticeshipKV-Lehre {f} [schweiz.] [ugs.] [berufliche Grundbildung zum Kaufmann bzw. zur Kauffrau]
jobs craft apprenticeshipHandwerkslehre {f}
domestic apprenticeshipHaushaltungslehre {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to do an apprenticeshipeine Lehre / Ausbildung machen [Handwerk]
to serve an apprenticeshipeine Lehrzeit ableisten
educ. to serve one's apprenticeshipseine Lehre ableisten
3 Words: Nouns
educ. (brief) trial apprenticeshipSchnupperlehre {f} [ugs.]
educ. apprenticeship certification examGesellenprüfung {f} [Lehrabschlussprüfung]
educ. apprenticeship in booksellingBuchhändlerlehre {f}
educ. jobs article of apprenticeshipLehrlingsvertrag {m}
educ. jobs articles {pl} of apprenticeshipAusbildungsvertrag {m}
articles {pl} of apprenticeshipLehrvertrag {m}
educ. certificate of apprenticeshipGehilfenbrief {m}
educ. certificate of apprenticeshipLehrabschlussprüfungszeugnis {n} [österr.]
educ. certificate of apprenticeshipLehrbrief {m}
contract of apprenticeshipLehrvertrag {m}
educ. final apprenticeship examinationGesellenabschluss {m}
educ. final apprenticeship examinationLehrabschlussprüfung {f}
period of apprenticeshipLehrzeit {f}
jobs year of apprenticeshipLehrjahr {n}
years of apprenticeshipLehrjahre {pl}
4 Words: Others
who completed an apprenticeship {adj} [postpos.]mit einem Lehrabschluss [nachgestellt] [schweiz.] [österr.] [Ausbildungsberuf]
4 Words: Nouns
apprenticeship as a locksmithSchlosserlehre {f}
jobs pharm. apprenticeship as a pharmacistApothekerlehre {f}
search for an apprenticeshipLehrstellensuche {f}
5+ Words: Verbs
educ. to do an apprenticeship with / under sb. [coll.]bei jdm. die Lehre durchmachen [ugs.]
educ. to serve one's apprenticeship with / under sb.bei jdm. die Lehre machen
5+ Words: Nouns
art apprenticeship as a glass painterGlasmalerlehre {f}
educ. shortening of the period of apprenticeshipLehrzeitverkürzung {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Wilhelm Meister's ApprenticeshipWilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre [J. W. v. Goethe]
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A 2017-01-25: Schnupperlehre > brief trial apprenticeship / taster courses +[Please ente...
Q 2017-01-25: Schnupperlehre = trial apprenticeship ?
A 2016-03-08: basic business administration module, preparing for the commercial adminis...
A 2014-09-18: Apprenticeship
Q 2014-09-17: apprenticeship <=> vocational training (UK)
A 2012-04-05: apprenticeship kennen wir hier aber auch kaum
Q 2011-03-24: Ausbildung - apprenticeship programme (BE)
A 2011-03-15: vielleicht noch: apprenticeship mit LEHRZEIT übersetzen - hört sich nicht ...
A 2011-03-01: professional = competent, skilful - not necessarily apprenticeship ....
A 2011-03-01: vocational = with study/apprenticeship .....
A 2011-02-28: .... IN meinem neuen Beruf an ..... only - you did an apprenticeship / sp...
A 2011-01-13: The undersigned examination board hereby awards NN with apprenticeship cer...
A 2010-08-23: Next year I will finish my apprenticeship.
A 2008-10-13: Internship is only for doctors!!!! apprenticeship, traineeship, not internship
A 2008-09-29: havent we had this before? if you are not a doctor, it is traineeship/appr...
A 2008-09-25: alternatively "places on apprenticeship schemes"
A 2008-09-08: Sb is an apprentice / is apprenticed to sb else, sb serves his apprentices...
A 2008-09-08: http://www.dict.cc/?s=Apprenticeship
A 2006-11-16: apprenticeship contract
A 2006-11-12: apprenticeship taster days, taster days, job shadowing

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