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English-German translation for: après-ski
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Dictionary English German: après ski

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NOUN   das Après-Ski | -
gastr. travel après-ski barAprès-Ski-Lokal {n}
après-skiAprès-Ski {n}
Partial Matches
Do you know how to ski?Kannst du Ski fahren?
sports skidooSki-doo / Ski-Doo {n} [Schneemobil]
sports ski season kick-offSki-Auftakt {m}
sports ski {pl} [rare for: skis]Ski {pl}
idiom après moi, le déluge [French expression used in English]nach mir die Sintflut
sports International Ski Federation <FIS>Internationaler Ski Verband {m} <FIS> [Eigenschreibweise, korrekt: Ski-Verband oder Skiverband]
sports to ski jumpSki springen
ski tripSki-Ausflug {m}
sports ski-runSki-Abfahrt {f}
sports to skiSki fahren
sports to skiSki laufen
sports skiSki {m}
sports skiSchi {m}
sports skisSki {pl}
sports carving skiCarving-Ski {m}
travel ski safariSki-Safari {f}
skied {past-p}Ski gelaufen
skiing {adj} {pres-p}Ski laufend
sports skiing {adj} [attr.]Ski-
sports skicrossSki Cross {n}
(ski) jumpFlugschanze {f}
sports grass skiGrasski {m}
sports inside skiInnenski {m}
naut. Jet Ski®Jetski® {m}
sports outside skiAußenski {m}
sports roller skiRollski {m}
cloth. sports ski anorakSkianorak {m}
sports travel ski areaSkigebiet {n}
ski bagSkisack {m}
ski bagSkitasche {f}
sports ski bindingSkibindung {f}
ski boardSkiboard {n}
sports ski bobSkibob {m}
cloth. sports ski bootSchistiefel {m}
cloth. sports ski bootSkischuh {m}
cloth. sports ski bootSkistiefel {m}
cloth. sports ski bottomsSkihose {f}
comm. sports ski brandSkimarke {f}
cloth. sports ski capSkimütze {f}
ski carrierSkiträger {m}
ski caseSkibox {f}
ski caseSkikoffer {m}
ski childrenSkikinder {pl}
ski circuitSkizirkus {m}
ski circusSkizirkus {m}
educ. sports ski courseSkikurs {m}
sports ski fittings {pl}Skibindung {f}
sports ski flyingSkifliegen {n}
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Search time: 0.019 sec

A 2006-10-04: typo: après ski
A 2006-10-03: aprés ski / log cabin jamboree

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