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English-German translation for: arbitrary
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Dictionary English German: arbitrary

Translation 1 - 65 of 65

English German
ADJ   arbitrary | more arbitrary | most arbitrary
arbitrary {adj}
arbitrary {adj}
arbitrary {adj}
arbitrary {adj}
arbitrary {adj}
arbitrary {adj} [unrestrained]
arbitrary {adj}
arbitrary {adj}
arbitrary {adj} [capricious]
arbitrary {adj}
arbiträr [geh.]
dent. arbitrary {adj}
mittelwertig [Gesichtsbogen, Scharnierachsenposition]
spec. arbitrary {adj}
arbitrary {adj}frei wählbar
arbitrary {adj}nach Ermessen
arbitrary {adj}in freiem Ermessen
2 Words: Others
more arbitrary {adj}willkürlicher
most arbitrary {adj}willkürlichste
2 Words: Nouns
arbitrary accessbeliebiger Zugriff {m}
arbitrary accessfreier Zugriff {m}
arbitrary actEigenmächtigkeit {f}
arbitrary actWillkürakt {m}
arbitrary actwillkürliche Handlung {f}
law arbitrary arrestwillkürliche Verhaftung {f}
arbitrary assessmentSteuerschätzung {f}
arbitrary assumptionwillkürliche Annahme {f}
arbitrary classificationwillkürliche Einteilung {f}
arbitrary conductunbegründetes Benehmen {n}
arbitrary databeliebige Daten {pl}
arbitrary decisionErmessenentscheidung {f} [selten] [Ermessensentscheidung]
arbitrary decisionErmessensentscheidung {f}
arbitrary decisioneigenmächtige Entscheidung {f}
arbitrary decisionwillkürliche Entscheidung {f}
arbitrary deviceNicht-Standardgerät {n}
EU law pol. arbitrary discriminationwillkürliche Diskriminierung {f}
arbitrary figureunbegründete Zahl {f}
arbitrary governmentWillkürherrschaft {f}
arbitrary indicationIndiz {n}
arbitrary interpretationwillkürliche Auslegung {f}
law arbitrary justiceWillkürjustiz {f}
law arbitrary lawSelbstjustiz {f}
arbitrary limitationsunbegründete Beschränkungen {pl}
arbitrary measureWillkürmaßnahme {f}
arbitrary measureZwangsmaßnahme {f}
arbitrary measureswillkürliche Maßnahmen {pl}
arbitrary originHilfsursprung {m}
arbitrary originkünstlicher Nullpunkt {m}
arbitrary parameterfreier Parameter {m}
arbitrary parameterwillkürlicher Parameter {m}
relig. arbitrary pluralismBeliebigkeitspluralismus {m}
arbitrary powertyrannische Macht {f}
arbitrary pricewillkürlicher Preis {m}
pol. arbitrary ruleWillkürherrschaft {f}
arbitrary suppositionwillkürliche Annahme {f}
law arbitrary trademarkwillkürlich gewähltes Markenzeichen {n}
law arbitrary trademarkwillkürlich gewähltes Zeichen {n}
phys. unit arbitrary unit <a.u.>willkürliche Einheit {f} <w. E.>
phys. unit arbitrary units <a.u.>willkürliche Einheiten {pl}
arbitrary valuebeliebiger Wert {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to be purely arbitraryreine Willkür sein
3 Words: Nouns
comp. tech. arbitrary code executionAusführung {f} von beliebigem Code
dent. arbitrary hinge axisarbiträre Scharnierachse {f}
arbitrary wage ratefrei ausgehandelter Lohnsatz {m}
electr. arbitrary waveform generator <AWG>Arbiträrgenerator {m}
electr. arbitrary waveform generator <AWG>Arbiträr-Funktionsgenerator {m}
5+ Words: Verbs
to set an arbitrary price on sth.einen willkürlichen Preis ansetzen
» See 4 more translations for arbitrary within comments
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A 2016-03-01: gewillkürt - by act of the parties, arbitrary
A 2015-11-11: Arbitrary word limits would only eliminate many useful entries.
A 2015-10-14: "arbitrary" gehört allerdings nur zu "properties", nicht auch zu "postulates".
A 2015-10-06: What counts is semantic and syntactic plausibility, not an arbitrary numbe...
A 2011-05-04: Arbitrary killings are ruled out by the International Covenant on Civil an...
A 2010-08-23: somewhat arbitrary
A 2010-03-21: "a choice that is far from being purely arbitrary"
A 2010-03-02: Seems to be a matter of arbitrary police action based on Section 5 of the ...
A 2009-06-05: schwerblech, it's an arbitrary rule, not really an exception.
A 2008-02-21: unmanaged? arbitrary?
A 2007-10-31: or: Given F(x,y) is an arbitrary function, it follows
A 2007-10-31: Subsequently, a function of that type can be construed this way: Given F(x...
A 2007-10-31: Yes arbitrary does sound even more appropriate. Cheers again mate.
A 2007-10-31: or: arbitrary functions
A 2007-06-15: from arbitrary despotism to consensual regulatory state ?
A 2006-11-10: These functions are extensively protected from direct arbitrary control
A 2006-11-10: These functions are extensively divided from direct arbitrary control
A 2006-07-20: an electricalLY driveN screwdriver \ LINX; SLK looks like an arbitrary ind...

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