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English-German translation for: architect
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Dictionary English German: architect

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

English German
NOUN   an architect | architects
SYNO   architect | designer
archi. jobs architect
Architekt {m}
archi. jobs architect [female]
Architektin {f}
archi. hist. jobs architect
Baumeister {m}
Entwurfsverfasser {m}
2 Words: Nouns
archi. architect coupleArchitektenpaar {n}
archi. architect duoArchitektenduo {n}
archi. architect officesArchitekturbüros {pl}
architect-manquéverhinderter Architekt {m}
archi. constr. architect's drawingArchitektenplan {m}
archi. architect's officeArchitektenbüro {n}
archi. architect's officeArchitekturbüro {n}
archi. constr. architect's officeArchitekturwerkstatt {f} [Architekturbüro]
archi. architect's planEntwurf {m}
archi. hist. Bauhaus architectBauhaus-Architekt {m}
archi. celebrity architectStararchitekt {m}
archi. jobs chief architectChefarchitekt {m}
archi. jobs chief architectleitender Architekt {m}
archi. chief architect [also fig.]Hauptarchitekt {m} [auch fig,]
hist. city architectstädtischer Baumeister {m}
archi. court architectHofarchitekt {m}
distinguished architectangesehener Architekt {m}
archi. fortress architectFestungsarchitekt {m}
archi. hist. mil. fortress architectFestungsbaumeister {m}
comp. jobs tech. information architect <IA>Informationsarchitekt {m} <IA>
comp. jobs tech. information architect <IA> [female]Informationsarchitektin {f} <IA>
archi. jobs interior architectInnenarchitekt {m}
archi. jobs interior architect [female]Innenarchitektin {f}
landscape architectLandschaftsarchitekt {m}
landscape architect [female]Landschaftsarchitektin {f}
archi. urban municipal architectStadtbaumeister {m}
archi. jobs urban municipal architect [female]Stadtbaumeisterin {f}
engin. jobs naval architectSchiffbauingenieur {m}
jobs naval architect [female]Schiffbauingenieurin {f}
econ. jobs system architectSystemarchitekt {m}
archi. jobs theatre architectTheaterarchitekt {m}
archi. jobs university architectUniversitätsarchitekt {m}
archi. jobs university architect [female]Universitätsarchitektin {f}
Internet web architectWebmaster {m}
3 Words: Nouns
archi. avant-garde architectAvantgardearchitekt {m}
archi. avant-garde architectAvantgarde-Architekt {m}
archi. avant-garde architect [female]Avantgardearchitektin {f}
archi. avant-garde architect [female]Avantgarde-Architektin {f}
4 Words: Nouns
philos. relig. architect of the world [God]Weltbaumeister {m} [Gott]
5+ Words: Others
proverb Every man is the architect of his own fortune.Jeder ist seines Glückes Schmied.
5+ Words: Verbs
to be the architect of one's own fortune [idiom]seines Glückes Schmied sein [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Nouns
archi. hist. architect to the imperial courtHofbaumeister {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Architect of RuinsDer Ruinenbaumeister [Herbert Rosendorfer]
film F The Belly of an Architect [Peter Greenaway]Der Bauch des Architekten
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Q 2013-08-23: Prison Architect
A 2012-05-16: ... to match the architect's sample
A 2009-10-31: building of churches / church architect
A 2008-11-06: Only from 1888 did an extensive, improving as well as historically distort...
Q 2008-10-18: Development architect
A 2008-08-08: average reader, non-architect
A 2008-07-22: The architect of the church was XX
A 2008-06-06: Great thesis: 'The Nothingness of Zwischenraum: Morgenstern's Criminal Arc...
A 2008-03-24: ? as their architect wants it made/noted to have it done/noted ?
A 2007-11-18: The house was built from the original plans by a famous architect. \ The m...
A 2007-10-28: You turn the corner - and again you can see the resplendent cathedral, mad...
A 2007-10-04: Given her talent to promptly cope with complex matters and make use of the...
A 2007-07-25: Hofbauintendant > chief court architect; Hofbauintendanz > chief court arc...
A 2006-10-13: I don't think so (but I'm no engineer or architect)
A 2006-09-28: An architect's fee is part of his reward
A 2006-09-27: architect's contract
A 2006-08-27: according to the Chief Electoral Architect's guidelines; cf. the town plan...
A 2006-04-15: Schlaun: architect
A 2005-07-29: architect's law - korrekt

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