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English-German translation for: arctic
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Dictionary English German: arctic

Translation 1 - 50 of 244  >>

English German
ADJ1   arctic | more arctic | most arctic
ADJ2   Arctic | - | -
NOUN   the Arctic | -
SYNO   Arctic | Arctic Zone ... 
Arctic {adj}
meteo. arctic {adj} [coll.] [very cold]
saukalt [ugs.]
Arctic {adj}
geogr. Arctic
Arktis {f}
2 Words: Others
high Arctic {adj} [also: high arctic]hocharktisch
geogr. middle Arctic {adj}mittelarktisch
2 Words: Nouns
ecol. meteo. Arctic amplificationarktische Verstärkung {f}
geogr. Arctic Circlenördlicher Polarkreis {m}
meteo. arctic cloudsPolarwolken {pl}
meteo. arctic conditions [coll.]arktische Witterungsbedingungen {pl}
geogr. Arctic CordilleraArktische Kordillere {f}
geogr. Arctic desertPolarwüste {f}
Arctic explorerArktisforscher {m}
Arctic explorerNordpolforscher {m}
Arctic explorerPolarforscher {m}
Arctic explorer [female]Arktisforscherin {f}
meteo. Arctic frontArktikfront {f}
Arctic gearPolarausrüstung {f}
ecol. meteo. Arctic hazearktischer Dunst {m}
ethn. Arctic nativearktischer Ureinwohner {m}
geogr. Arctic OceanArktik {f} [Arktischer Ozean]
geogr. Arctic OceanNordpolarmeer {n}
geogr. Arctic OceanArktische See {f}
geogr. Arctic OceanArktischer Ozean {m}
geogr. Arctic OceanNördliches Eismeer {n}
geogr. Arctic Oceannördliches Polarmeer {n}
geogr. Arctic regionNordpolargebiet {n}
geogr. arctic studiesArktisstudien {pl}
travel Arctic voyagePolarreise {f}
meteo. Arctic weatherPolarwetter {n}
Arctic wildernessarktische Wildnis {f}
geogr. Arctic ZoneArktis {f}
geogr. central ArcticZentralarktis {f}
geogr. high Arctic [also: High Arctic]Hocharktis {f}
3 Words: Nouns
geogr. Arctic ice capArktische Eiskappe {f}
jobs Arctic research scientistPolarforscher {m}
Arctic tree linearktische Waldgrenze {f}
meteo. Arctic-like conditionsarktische Witterungsbedingungen {pl}
meteo. Arctic-like conditionsarktische Witterungsverhältnisse {pl}
geogr. Canadian Arctic ArchipelagoKanadisch-Arktischer Archipel {m}
4 Words: Nouns
ecol. hydro. Arctic sea-ice minimumarktisches Eisminimum {n} [Meereseis]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident [Eoin Colfer]Artemis FowlDie Verschwörung
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
fish T
bot. T
bot. T
zool. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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Q 2017-12-31: https://weather.com/storms/winter/news/2017-12-28-arctic-record-cold-outbr...
A 2013-07-29: Arctic
Q 2013-07-28: Arctic
A 2011-10-02: Back in the day I dyed my hair "arctic blond"
A 2011-03-17: No, my car is at the peak of coolness. 1994 Opel Astra Kombi - cooler woul...
A 2008-01-10: If oil and gas (crude oil and natural gas) were to be produced at the Nort...
A 2006-07-14: arctic monkees and zutons
A 2006-05-11: Arctic
A 2006-05-10: The Arctic=die Arktis/"arctics"=Galoschen
A 2006-05-10: "arctic"/"arctics"-Arktis/DENGLISH
A 2006-05-10: Deine Lehrerin hat Recht, "the Arctic" ist singularetantum. ABER :
A 2006-05-10: DENGLISH/"arctics"-Arktis.....arctic/Pluraletantum?
Q 2006-05-10: Übersetzungshilfe:"Arctic"/"Antarctic"=ein Pluraletantum?/DENGLISH

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