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English-German translation for: argue
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Dictionary English German: argue

Translation 1 - 74 of 74

English German
VERB  to argue | argued | argued ... 
SYNO   to argue | to reason | to indicate ... 
to argue
to argue
to argue
to argue
to argue
to argue
to argue
to argue
to argue
to argue
to argue
to argue
rechten [geh.]
to argue
to argue sth. [debate]
etw. debattieren
to argueEinwände machen
to argueEinwendungen machen
law to arguegeltend machen
to argueGründe anführen
to argueGründe vorbringen
to arguesich herumstreiten
law to argueüber etw. mündlich verhandeln
to argue [maintain]eine Behauptung aufstellen
to argue [with sb.] [about / over sth.]sich streiten [mit jdm.] [über etw.]
to argue sth. [show, indicate]von etw. zeugen
2 Words: Verbs
to argue about sth.über etw.Akk. streiten
to argue about sth.sich über etw. aussprechen
to argue against sth.gegen etw. sprechen
to argue against sth.Gründe gegen etw. vorbringen
to argue against sth. [give reasons against sth.]gegen etw.Akk. argumentieren
to argue against sth. [object to sth.]etwas gegen etw.Akk. einwenden
to argue conclusivelyschlüssig argumentieren
to argue correctlyrichtig argumentieren
to argue for sb./sth. [give evidence of, indicate]sprechen für jdn./etw.
to argue for sth.für etw. Gründe vorbringen
to argue for sth. [give reasons in support of sth.]für etw.Akk. argumentieren
to argue heatedlylautstark argumentieren
to argue hotlyheiß argumentieren
to argue out [differences]austragen [Meinungsverschiedenheiten]
to argue over sth.über etw.Akk. streiten
to argue sth. awayetw.Akk. wegargumentieren
to argue sth. awayetw.Akk. wegdiskutieren
to argue that ... [contend]behaupten, dass ...
to argue with sb.mit jdm. streiten
to argue with sb.sich mit jdm. aussprechen
3 Words: Verbs
to argue about which ... [angrily]sich darüber streiten, welcher ...
to argue convincingly (that)überzeugend darlegen (dass)
to argue over which ... [angrily]sich darüber streiten, welcher ...
to argue sb. into doing sth.jdn. zu etw.Dat. überreden
to argue sb. into doing sth.jdn. dazu überreden, etw. zu tun
to argue sb. out of sth.jdm. etw. ausreden
to argue sth. out with sb.etw.Akk. mit jdm. ausdiskutieren
to argue sth. out with sb.etw. mit jdm. durchsprechen
to argue the conversedas Gegenteil behaupten
to continue to argueweiterargumentieren
4 Words: Others
Can't argue with that!Dagegen lässt sich nichts sagen!
4 Words: Verbs
to argue (with one another)sichAkk. streiten
to argue about the paymentsich über die Bezahlung aussprechen
to argue all the timedie ganze Zeit debattieren
to argue in a circleim Kreis argumentieren
to argue in favor of sb./sth. [Am.]sichAkk. für jdn./etw. aussprechen
to argue in support of sth.sich für etw. aussprechen
to argue sb. into an opinionjdn. überreden
to argue sb. out of doing sth.(es) jdm. ausreden, etw. zu tun
to argue sth. out between themselvesetw. untereinander ausmachen [austragen]
to argue the case for sb./sth.für jdn./etw. eintreten
to argue the case for sth.für etw. plädieren
to argue with sb. about / over sth.mit jdm. über etw. argumentieren
5+ Words: Others
I won't argue that point.Das will ich nicht bestreiten.
I won't argue with you.Ich werde mich mit dir nicht streiten.
It does not argue in his favour. [Br.]Es spricht nicht für ihn.
You can't argue it away.Du kannst es nicht wegreden.
5+ Words: Verbs
to argue from the general to the particular / specificvom Allgemeinen auf das Besondere schließen
to argue the matter pro and conbeide Seiten besprechen
to argue the pros and consbeide Seiten besprechen
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A 2020-08-06: “Whoa. We need to be six feet apart when we argue,’ says the elephant to t...
Q 2020-08-06: argue als Substantiv?
A 2016-10-01: To argue facts
A 2016-07-30: You could argue for a colon, but a semi-colon is definitely wrong.
A 2016-04-13: argue
A 2015-02-13: It's very difficult for children to argue against a teacher,
A 2014-12-23: Well, you could argue that the Girardoni was ahead of its time in some respects.
Q 2012-12-01: I would 'claim/submit/argue/...' that he is mad about sports.
A 2012-04-04: Although there is a way to argue that for... Charybdis,
A 2011-10-12: I would argue ...
A 2011-06-27: I might be inclined to argue that the +quick+ in +Get out, quick!+ is actu...
A 2011-04-18: In German, however, what you argue seems to be +sollte+ in such cases
A 2011-03-22: subjunctive in indirect speech: after all - so they argue - fiscal policy ...
Q 2011-01-13: it is difficult to argue
A 2010-06-17: I don't have the face to argue with you all about that - and I didn't vote...
A 2010-04-29: Don't argue back (all the time)
A 2010-04-13: to argue firmly to an issue
A 2010-03-10: Don't argue with Bonnie
A 2009-10-21: people like to say you cannot argue with a closed mind, ie, someone else w...
Q 2009-09-23: She could argue the rain back into the sky.

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