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English-German translation for: arithmetic
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Dictionary English German: arithmetic

Translation 1 - 50 of 112  >>

English German
NOUN   arithmetic | -
SYNO   arithmetic | arithmetical
math. arithmetic {adj}
math. arithmetic {adj}auf die Arithmetik bezüglich
math. arithmetic
Rechnen {n}
math. arithmetic
Arithmetik {f}
math. arithmetic
Rechenkunst {f}
math. arithmetic
Rechenart {f}
math. arithmetic
Zahlenlehre {f}
2 Words: Verbs
math. to do arithmeticrechnen
to learn arithmeticrechnen lernen
2 Words: Nouns
comp. (arithmetic) overflowBereichsüberschreitung {f} [Zahlenbereich]
address arithmeticAdressrechnen {n}
math. stat. arithmetic averagearithmetischer Mittelwert {m}
math. stat. arithmetic averagearithmetisches Mittel {n}
math. arithmetic averagingarithmetische Mittelwertbildung {f}
arithmetic blockarithmetischer Block {m}
arithmetic bookRechenbuch {n}
arithmetic bookRechenheft {n}
arithmetic chartgraphische Darstellung {f}
arithmetic checkarithmetische Prüfung {f}
comp. electr. arithmetic circuitRechenschaltung {f}
comp. math. arithmetic computermathematischer Rechner {m}
arithmetic elementRechenwerk {n}
math. arithmetic elementarithmetischer Elementarausdruck {m}
math. arithmetic expressionAusdruck {m}
math. arithmetic expressionarithmetischer Ausdruck {m}
math. arithmetic functionarithmetische Funktion {f}
math. arithmetic grouparithmetische Gruppe {f}
comp. math. arithmetic instructionRechenbefehl {m}
arithmetic instructionarithmetischer Befehl {m}
educ. math. arithmetic lessonArithmetikstunde {f}
math. stat. arithmetic meanarithmetisches Mittel {n}
math. arithmetic operationRechenoperation {f}
math. arithmetic operationarithmetische Operation {f}
math. arithmetic operationarithmetische Rechenoperation {f}
math. arithmetic operatorRechenzeichen {n}
math. arithmetic operatorarithmetischer Operator {m}
comp. arithmetic overflowarithmetischer Überlauf {m}
educ. math. arithmetic problemRechenaufgabe {f}
arithmetic problemRechenexempel {n}
math. arithmetic procedureRechenvorgang {m}
arithmetic processorArithmetikprozessor {m}
math. arithmetic productarithmetisches Produkt {n}
math. arithmetic progressionarithmetische Folge {f}
math. arithmetic progressionarithmetische Progression {f}
arithmetic progressionarithmetische Reihe {f}
arithmetic puzzleRechenrätsel {n}
arithmetic registerRechenregister {n}
math. arithmetic seriesarithmetische Reihe {f}
arithmetic shiftStellenverschiebung {f}
comp. math. arithmetic speedRechengeschwindigkeit {f}
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A 2014-07-02: Arithmetic Jargon
Q 2014-07-02: Arithmetic Jargon
A 2013-03-04: "arithmetic sign" "logic sign" - no result ....
A 2011-07-31: Looks like arithmetic using average life expectancy.
A 2009-07-12: "There are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary a...
A 2009-07-05: Klammerrechnen / Klammerrechnung > parenthesis arithmetic, Rechenbaum > ca...
A 2009-07-02: arithmetic / doing sums without decimal carry / without addition of number...
A 2008-04-23: arithmetic
A 2008-02-26: I'll be jiggered if most Forum members knew either how to read or how to w...
A 2008-01-14: arithmetic mean
A 2008-01-14: the unweighted arithmetic average
A 2006-12-19: arithmetic
A 2006-07-31: Incidentally, it is 'arithmetic meaN' without a final S
Q 2006-07-31: gibt es für arithmetic means eine abk. wie im deutschen?
A 2005-08-01: In conclusion, she is to solve the following arithmetic / maths problem
A 2005-04-06: He handles the four basic arithmetic operations he had to practise confide...

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