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English-German translation for: arm's
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Dictionary English German: arm's

Translation 1 - 33 of 33


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arm's lengthArmeslänge {f}
arm's lengthArmlänge {f}
arm's reachGriffweite {f}
3 Words: Others
at arm's length {adv}auf Armeslänge
at arm's length {adv} [idiom]auf Armlänge
comm. at arm's length {adv} [independently]unabhängig
beyond arm's reach {adv} [not near enough to reach by extending one's arm]außer Reichweite [nicht zu erreichen durch Ausstrecken des Arms]
within arm's reach {adv} [near enough to reach by extending one's arm]in Reichweite [leicht zu erreichen durch Ausstrecken des Arms]
3 Words: Nouns
econ. arm's length analysis <ALA>Fremdvergleichsanalyse {f}
comm. arm's length bargainingunabhängiges Verhandeln {n}
acc. arm's length principleFremdvergleichsgrundsatz {m}
comm. arm's length transactionGeschäft {n} zu marktüblichen Konditionen
comm. arm's length transactionGeschäft {n} zwischen unabhängigen Parteien
arm's-length relationshipBeziehung {f} auf Distanz
4 Words: Others
out of harm's way {adv} [idiom]außer Gefahr
out of harm's way {adv} [idiom]in Sicherheit
out of harm's way {adv} [idiom]aus der Gefahrenzone [fig.]
out of harm's way {adv} [idiom]aus der Schusslinie [fig.] [aus der Gefahrenzone]
4 Words: Verbs
to be in harm's way [idiom]in Gefahr sein
to hold sth. at arm's length [idiom]etw.Akk. auf Armeslänge (entfernt) halten [fig.]
to keep sb. at arm's lengthsichDat. jdn. vom Leib / Leibe halten
to keep sb./sth. at arm's lengthjdn./etw. fernhalten
5+ Words: Verbs
to be out of harm's wayan einem sicheren Platz sein
to get sb. out of harm's way [idiom]jdn. in Sicherheit bringen
idiom to keep out of harm's waydie Gefahr meiden
idiom to keep out of harm's wayder Gefahr aus dem Weg gehen
to keep out of harm's way [idiom]sichAkk. auf der sicheren Seite bewegen [Redewendung]
to keep sb./sth. out of harm's wayjdn./etw. vor Schaden bewahren
to put oneself in harm's waysich Gefahren aussetzen
to put sb. out of harm's way [idiom]jdn. auf ein totes Gleis schieben [Redewendung]
to remove sb./sth. out of harm's wayjdn./etw. in Sicherheit bringen
to stay at arm's length from sb./sth. [coll.]von jdm./etw. (den) gebührenden Abstand halten
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F In Harm's Way [Otto Preminger]Erster Sieg
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Q 2011-09-22: arm's length fee
A 2010-12-19: "arm's-length-principle"
A 2010-02-07: Please put +the people who+ - +those people+ would seem to keep them at ar...
Q 2009-11-26: at arm's length
A 2008-10-21: to hold one's own in the application of the arm's length principle
A 2008-09-06: at arm's length - interessant, danke
A 2008-09-06: at arm's length ?
Q 2008-07-27: arm's length basis - ????
A 2008-04-29: At arm's length
A 2008-04-29: to keep s.b. at arm's length > zu jmdm. Abstand bewahren
A 2008-04-28: lokal vertretbare Prämie > premium at arm's length http://www.webtrans...
A 2007-09-25: "The arm's length principle is fulfilled", maybe?
A 2005-11-10: maybe: ...was kept at arm's length (from real decisionmaking etc.)
Q 2004-03-31: at arm's length
A 2003-11-06: arm's length

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