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English-German translation for: arrested
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Dictionary English German: arrested

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

English German
VERB  to arrest | arrested | arrested ... 
arrested {adj} {past-p}
arrested {adj} {past-p}
sb. arrested
jd. verhaftete
law arrested {adj} {past-p} [taken into custody]
aufgegriffen [festgenommen]
arrested {adj} {past-p}
law arrested {adj} {past-p}
arretiert [veraltet] [verhaftet]
arrested {adj} {past-p} [e. g. development]
gehemmt [z. B. Entwicklung]
law arrested {adj} {past-p}
arrested {adj} {past-p}
arrested {adj} {past-p}
sth. arrestedetw. arretierte
2 Words: Nouns
dent. arrested cariesarretierte Karies {f}
dent. arrested cariesruhende Karies {f}
dent. arrested cariesstationäre Karies {f}
arrested developmentgestoppte Entwicklung {f}
dent. arrested eruptionunvollständiger Durchbruch {m}
arrested growthgestopptes Wachstum {n}
med. arrested labor [Am.]Wehenruhe {f}
med. arrested labour [Br.]Wehenruhe {f}
law arrested personArrestant {m} [veraltend] [Inhaftierter]
law arrested personArrestat {m} [veraltet] [Inhaftierter]
law arrested personInhaftierter {m}
law arrested personinhaftierte Person {f}
law arrested person [female]Arrestantin {f} [veraltend] [Inhaftierte]
law arrested person [female]Arrestatin {f} [veraltet] [Inhaftierte]
law arrested person [female]Inhaftierte {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to be arrested for sth.wegen etw. [meist Gen. auch Dat.] festgenommen werden
to be re-arrestederneut verhaftet werden
3 Words: Nouns
dent. arrested dental cariesKariesstopp {m}
dent. arrested dental cariesZahnkariesstillstand {m}
detained / arrested peopleFestgenommene {pl}
detained / arrested personFestgenommener {m}
detained / arrested person [female]Festgenommene {f}
4 Words: Others
I had him arrested.Ich ließ ihn verhaften.
4 Words: Nouns
law accused and arrested person [pretrial detainee]Inquisit {m} [schweiz.] [veraltet] [Untersuchungsgefangener]
5+ Words: Others
law arrested on a charge of murderwegen Mordes verhaftet
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A 2015-09-13: He could be arrested or tortured for that.
A 2014-09-24: arrested versus booked
A 2014-07-10: John was having a haircut, when suddenly a policeman came and arrested him.
Q 2014-07-04: arrested for solicitation with
A 2014-01-07: brought up on remand, as a prisoner, as a provisionally arrested person / ...
A 2013-12-17: I would say he was in the group, and so there was a possibility that he co...
Q 2012-03-19: arrested...trauma
A 2012-01-17: In Britain (and perhaps Austalia), people can be arrested and taken into c...
Q 2011-09-07: Kudos to all those getting arrested at the Whitehouse
A 2011-01-15: @ ddr why would they get arrested for a bruised toe?
Q 2010-10-30: arrested and tried
Q 2009-11-12: to be arrested for the murder of XY
A 2009-03-24: (US) [to be arrested on] bad check charges - or - charges of passing b...
Q 2008-12-09: Heady stuff: U.S. Attorney Announces Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich Arrested
Q 2008-02-26: travels laterally the necessary length of the work to be decorated, when i...
A 2004-12-13: arrested and taken to jail (Br: gaol)

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