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English-German translation for: artery
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Dictionary English German: artery

Translation 1 - 50 of 277  >>

English German
NOUN   an artery | arteries
anat. artery [Arteria]
Arterie {f}
anat. artery
Schlagader {f}
traffic artery
Hauptverkehrsader {f}
anat. artery
Pulsader {f}
anat. artery
Hauptader {f}
traffic artery
Trasse {f} [Hauptverkehrsader]
traffic artery [arterial road]
Verkehrsader {f}
2 Words: Nouns
anat. abdominal artery [Arteria abdominalis]Abdominalarterie {f}
anat. abdominal artery [Arteria abdominalis]Bauchschlagader {f}
anat. med. acromiothoracic artery [Arteria thoracoacromialis]Brustkorb-Gräteneck-Arterie {f}
anat. appendicular artery [Arteria appendicularis]Wurmfortsatzarterie {f}
med. artery blockageArterienverstopfung {f}
med. artery diseaseArterienerkrankung {f}
med. MedTech. artery forceps {pl} [one pair]Arterienunterbindungspinzette {f}
med. artery ligationArterienligatur {f}
med. artery ligationArterienunterbindung {f}
anat. artery networkArteriennetz {n}
med. artery occlusionArterienverschluss {m}
med. artery ruptureArterienruptur {f}
med. artery stiffnessarterielle Steifigkeit {f}
anat. axillary artery <AA> [Arteria axillaris]Achselarterie {f}
anat. axillary artery <AA> [Arteria axillaris]Achselschlagader {f}
anat. basilar artery <BA> [Arteria basilaris]Basilararterie {f}
anat. basilar artery <BA> [Arteria basilaris]Hirnbasisschlagader {f}
med. blocked artery [coll.] [arterial occlusion]Arterienverschluss {m}
anat. brachial artery <BA> [Arteria brachialis]Oberarmarterie {f}
anat. brachiocephalic artery <BA> [Arteria brachiocephalica]Kopf-Armarterie {f}
anat. buccal artery [Arteria buccalis]Backenarterie {f}
anat. buccinator artery [Arteria buccalis]Backenarterie {f}
anat. carotid (artery) [Arteria carotis]Karotide {f}
anat. carotid (artery) [Arteria carotis]Karotis {f}
anat. cerebral arteryHirnschlagader {f}
anat. coronary arteryHerzarterie {f}
anat. coronary arteryKoronararterie {f}
anat. coronary artery [Arteria coronaria]Herzkranzarterie {f}
anat. coronary artery [Arteria coronaria]Kranzarterie {f}
anat. coronary artery <CA> [Arteria coronaria]Koronarie {f}
anat. end arteryEndarterie {f}
anat. facial artery <FA> [Arteria facialis]Gesichtsarterie {f}
anat. facial artery <FA> [Arteria facialis]Gesichtsschlagader {f}
anat. femoral arteryFemoralarterie {f}
anat. femoral artery [Arteria femoralis superficialis]Oberschenkelschlagader {f}
anat. femoral artery <FA> [Arteria femoralis]Oberschenkelarterie {f}
anat. fibular artery [Arteria fibularis]Wadenbeinarterie {f}
anat. med. finger artery <FA>Fingerarterie {f} <FA>
anat. med. gastroduodenal arteryGastroduodenalarterie {f}
anat. gastroduodenal artery <GDA> [Arteria gastroduodenalis]Magen-Zwölffingerdarm-Arterie {f}
anat. ileocolic artery [Arteria ileocolica]Krumm- und Dickdarmarterie {f}
anat. iliofemoral artery [Arteria iliofemoralis]Iliofemoralarterie {f}
anat. infraorbital artery [Arteria infraorbitalis]Unteraugenhöhlenarterie {f}
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Q 2019-02-17: coronary artery bypass graft procedure
A 2012-10-15: mMn ist die A. tibialis posterior / posterior tibial artery gemeint
A 2012-10-14: accompanying artery
A 2009-05-11: google: popliteal artery occlusion
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A 2007-03-02: on the medial side of the carotid artery
A 2006-03-28: middle cerebral artery infarction (googelt häufiger als media infarction)

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