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English-German translation for: artists
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Dictionary English German: artists

Translation 1 - 47 of 47

English German
NOUN   an artist | artists
art jobs artists
Künstler {pl}
jobs artists [circus etc.]
Artisten {pl}
Künstlerinnen {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
art publ. artists dictionaryKünstlerlexikon {n}
artists' associationKünstlervereinigung {f}
art artists' associationGesellschaft {f} bildender Künstler
art artists' colonyKünstlerkolonie {f}
artists' colours [Br.]Malfarben {pl}
art artists' festivalKünstlerfest {n}
art comm. artists' materials {pl}Künstlerbedarf {m}
art artists' project [also: artists project]Künstlerprojekt {n} [mehrerer Künstler]
artists' quarterKünstlerviertel {n}
art artists' villageKünstlerdorf {n}
distinguished artistsausgezeichnete Artisten {pl}
escape artistsEntfesselungskünstler {pl}
mus. solo artistsSolokünstler {pl}
mus. solo artists [female]Solokünstlerinnen {pl}
travelling artists [entertainers]Gaukler {pl}
art women artistsKünstlerinnen {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
insur. artists' social insuranceKünstlersozialkasse {f}
art association of artistsKünstlerbund {m}
art association of artistsKünstlerverband {m}
art collective of artistsKünstlerkollektiv {n}
mus. concert artists' agencyKonzertagentur {f}
art publ. dictionary of artistsKünstlerlexikon {n}
art dynasty of artistsKünstlerdynastie {f}
family of artistsKünstlerfamilie {f}
art generation of artistsKünstlergeneration {f} [auch: Künstler-Generation]
group of artistsKünstlergruppe {f}
art group of artistsKünstlervereinigung {f}
art group of artists [painters]Malergruppe {f}
film motion picture artistsFilmschauspieler {pl}
rendezvous of artistsKünstlertreffen {n}
art Worpswede artists' colonyKünstlerkolonie {f} Worpswede
4 Words: Nouns
art Artists in Residence schemeResidenzprogramm {n} (für Künstler)
art artists of Die BrückeBrücke-Künstler {pl}
art artists of Die BrückeKünstler {pl} der Brücke
insur. artists' social security contributionKünstlersozialabgabe {f}
5+ Words: Others
as is usual with many artistswie es viele Künstler gewohnt sind
from the perspective of contemporary artistsim Blick zeitgenössischer Künstler
one of the rarest artistseiner der ausgezeichnetsten Künstler
5+ Words: Nouns
social (security) insurance for artistsKünstlersozialversicherung {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Artists and Models [Frank Tashlin]Der Agentenschreck
film F Artists and Models [Raoul Walsh]Künstlerball
film F Artists Under the Big Top: PerplexedDie Artisten in der Zirkuskuppel: ratlos [Alexander Kluge]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
mycol. T
mycol. T
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A 2021-11-20: Matte Artists gibts nicht mehr. CGI hat die ersetzt.
A 2020-11-10: In +an artist's paint+ the apostrophe must follow the second T; +an artist...
A 2020-11-10: artists paint - vermutlich eine Künstlerfarbe (paint for artists), leich...
Q 2020-10-12: Careful with this unusual AE pronunciation: suite by Artists https://www....
Q 2018-04-07: +imma+ Correct AE pronunciation? Artists or OED?
A 2016-10-05: @Lllama Thank you! I can see you have a heart for poor incapable comic boo...
Q 2014-04-17: "Artists should be the least concerned with privacy."
A 2012-09-05: @Artists: My observations were never intended as a criticism of your work ...
A 2012-09-05: artists.
A 2012-09-04: @Artists
A 2012-03-26: Artists, get serious. Every dictionary known to man is organized alphabetically.
A 2012-03-26: Artists: I never provide them and no one has ever asked for them. Should s...
A 2012-03-26: Well, Artists, call me an elitist then. :-) Reply
A 2012-03-26: @artists
A 2012-03-26: Well, Artists, call me an elitist then. :-)
A 2012-03-25: RE Artists' remark: "we are insulted to have to rely on your home copy of ...
A 2012-02-27: Artists: no problem, understand.
A 2011-12-16: @Artists: Thank you. As it is now, the wording of your commentary is accep...
A 2011-12-16: @Artists: Please rephrase your comments, or I will mark them as spam!
A 2011-11-18: In principle, I agree with Artists

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