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English-German translation for: arts
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Dictionary English German: arts

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NOUN   an art | arts
SYNO   arts | humanistic discipline ... 
acad. lit. philos. arts {adj} [attr.]
art lit. mus. arts
Kunst {f}
acad. arts
Geisteswissenschaften {pl}
Künste {pl}
acad. the arts
Geisteswissenschaften {pl}
2 Words: Others
(fine) arts {adj}musisch
acad. liberal arts {adj}geisteswissenschaftlich
2 Words: Nouns
art applied artsangewandte Künste {pl}
art applied arts {pl}Kunstgewerbe {n}
art educ. applied arts {pl} <AA>angewandte Kunst {f} <AK> [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]
arts center [Am.]Kulturzentrum {n}
arts centre [Br.]Kulturzentrum {n}
art arts collectionKunstsammlung {f}
art arts collectorKunstsammler {m}
art educ. arts collegeKunstakademie {f}
art educ. arts collegeKunstgewerbeschule {f}
art arts commissionKunstkommission {f}
art arts connoisseurKunstkenner {m}
art comm. jobs arts dealerKunsthändler {m}
arts degreephilosophisches Diplom {n}
acad. educ. arts degreeUniversitätsabschluss {m} der Geisteswissenschaft
arts directorkünstlerischer Leiter {m}
jobs journ. arts editorKulturredakteur {m}
jobs journ. arts editor [female]Kulturredakteurin {f}
arts educationmusische Erziehung {f}
acad. hist. spec. arts facultyArtistenfakultät {f} [veraltet]
acad. arts facultygeisteswissenschaftliche Fakultät {f}
acad. educ. arts facultygeisteswissenschaftlicher Fachbereich {m}
acad. arts facultyphilosophische Fakultät {f}
arts graduateAbsolvent {m} mit philosophischem Diplom
art arts master [obs.] [male]Kunstlehrer {m}
journ. arts pages {pl}Feuilleton {n} [Unterhaltungsteil einer Zeitung]
art arts sceneKünstlerszene {f}
art arts sceneKunstszene {f}
acad. jobs arts scholarGeisteswissenschafter {m} [österr.] [schweiz.]
acad. arts scholarGeisteswissenschaftler {m}
art educ. arts schoolKunstgewerbeschule {f}
arts sectionKulturredaktion {f} [Zeitung, Rundfunk]
journ. arts section [in a newspaper]Feuilleton {n}
journ. arts section [in a newspaper]Feuilletonteil {m}
journ. arts section [in a newspaper]Kulturteil {m}
art comm. arts shopKunstgewerbeladen {m}
acad. educ. arts studentStudent {m} der philosophischen Fakultät
med. Arts syndromeArts-Syndrom {n}
psych. arts therapyKunsttherapie {f}
art beaux-artsschöne Künste {pl}
print black arts [a historical term for typesetting]Schwarze Kunst {f}
film chopsocky films [coll.] [pej.] [esp. Am.]Martial-Arts-Filme {pl} [Genre] [bes. aus dem Fernen Osten]
circus arts {pl}Artistik {f} [Zirkus, Varietee]
art decorative arts {pl}Kunstgewerbe {n}
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A 2024-01-07: in a wider sense: patron (of the arts)
A 2021-11-02: No. This exhibition is pointedly about scientific illustrations, not Islam...
A 2021-11-02: "arts" plural!
Q 2019-05-19: Betrifft alle Einträge mit F (Fiction: Names and Titles in Literature, Fil...
Q 2018-10-16: "business distributed & arts"
A 2018-01-25: PS: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/arts/exercises/grammar/grammar_tutorial/page...
A 2017-08-06: position (in the visual arts) ~ statement
Q 2015-09-15: hip arts
A 2014-11-16: I'm not a martial arts expert ...
A 2014-11-09: Three possibilities lifted from the performing arts.
A 2013-12-30: Wenn all manual trades/crafts/arts/skills have long disappeared,
A 2013-09-14: Also possible: youth arts mentor
A 2013-09-14: Bitte +Kultur > the arts+ mit entsprechender Erläuterung in dict.cc einspeisen
A 2013-09-14: sponsor of the arts
A 2013-03-12: arts and crafts
A 2013-02-05: Ja, Engineering, nicht Arts. Flüchtigkeitsfehler, sorry.
A 2012-07-13: Introduction to basic arts and crafts skills
A 2012-02-28: "Appearance" in mass attendance events usually implies the performing arts...
A 2010-11-01: inspired by (traditional) local arts and crafts
Q 2010-02-07: Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

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