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English-German translation for: as cool as you please
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Dictionary English German: as cool as you please

Translation 1 - 50 of 12387  >>

idiom as cool as you please {adj} [Br.] [coll.]seelenruhig
as cool as you please {adv} [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]in aller Seelenruhe
Partial Matches
med. pharm. as much as you please <ql> [quantum libet]nach Belieben
as cool as ice {adv}in aller Seelenruhe
Unverified as you please(ganz) wie du möchtest
Unverified as you pleasewie du magst [ugs.]
as you pleasewie es dir gefällt
as you pleasewie Sie wünschen [formelle Anrede]
as cool as a cucumber {adj} [coll.] [idiom]seelenruhig
to be as cool as a cucumber [idiom]die Ruhe selbst sein [Redewendung]
Do as you please.Tu, wonach dir der Sinn steht.
Do as you please.Tun Sie, was Sie wollen.
go-as-you-please {adj}ungebunden
as may best please youwie es dir am besten gefallen mag
proverb You're as old as you feel. [coll.]Man ist so alt, wie man sich fühlt.
You are at liberty to come and go as you please.Es steht Ihnen frei, zu kommen und zu gehen, wie Sie wollen.
quote Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. [James Dean]Träume, als würdest du ewig leben. Lebe, als würdest du heute sterben.
as fast as youso schnell wie du
as best as you canso gut du kannst
as many as you likeso viele wie du magst
as much as you likeso viel wie du magst
as quick as you can {adv}(was) haste, was kannste [regional] [Redewendung] [so schnell du kannst]
as soon as you can {adv}sobald du kannst
as tall as you areso groß wie du bist
as long as you're satisfiedsolange du zufrieden bist
as quickly as (ever) you can {adv}so schnell du (nur) kannst
as quickly as ever you can {adv}so schnell du nur irgendwie kannst
Run as fast as you can!Renn was du kannst!
idiom Run as fast as you can!Renn, was das Zeug hält!
... as long as you leave me alone!... solange du mich in Ruhe lässt!
film F As Young as You Feel [Harmon Jones]Alter schützt vor Torheit nicht
You know as well as I do that...Du weißt genau so gut wie ich, dass...
You make your point as delicately as ever.Wie immer drücken Sie sich äußerst feinfühlig aus.
as long as you live under my roof, ... [idiom]solange du die Füße unter meinen Tisch stellst, ... [Redewendung]
Run as fast as your legs will / would carry you.Lauf so schnell es nur geht.
That was as stupid as you can get. [coll.] [idiom]Das war dümmer, als die Polizei erlaubt. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
You've had it as far as I'm concerned. [idiom]Bei mir hast du endgültig ausgespielt. [Redewendung]
proverb You might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.Wenn schon, denn schon. [ugs.] [Rsv.]
proverb You might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.Wennschon, dennschon.
You know as much about it as the man in the moon. [idiom]Du hast keine Ahnung von Tuten und Blasen. [Redewendung] [seltenere Wortstellung] [meist: Du hast von Tuten und Blasen keine Ahnung.]
You know as much about it as the man in the moon. [idiom]Du hast von Tuten und Blasen keine Ahnung. [Redewendung]
You know as much about it as the man in the moon. [idiom] [dated]Du verstehst dich darauf wie ein Blinder auf die Farben. [Redewendung]
quote You can kill a person with an apartment just as well as with an axe. [Am.]Man kann einen Menschen mit seiner Wohnung genau so töten wie mit einer Axt. [Heinrich Zille]
(as) thick as a thumb {adj} [also: (as) thick as one's thumb]daumendick
as faithful as possible, as free as necessary {adj} [pred. or postpos.] [translation]so treu wie möglich, so frei wie nötig [Übersetzung]
as high as a man {adj} [idiom] [as tall as a man]so groß wie ein Mann
as much as is possible {adv} [less common] [as much as possible (in the present)]so viel wie möglich [in der Gegenwart]
as much as was possible {adv} [less common] [as much as possible (in the past)]so viel wie möglich [in der Vergangenheit]
Cool it, you guys. [esp. Am.] [idiom]Regt euch ab, Jungs. [ugs.]
idiom If you please ...Wenn es Ihnen recht ist, ...
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