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Dictionary English German: asbestos

Translation 1 - 61 of 61

English German
NOUN   asbestos | -
material mineral. asbestos
Asbest {m} {n}
2 Words: Others
geol. mineral. asbestos-bearing {adj}asbesthaltig
asbestos-containing {adj}asbesthaltig
asbestos-contaminated {adj} [e.g. buildings]asbestbelastet [z. B. Gebäude]
asbestos-free {adj}asbestfrei
asbestos-related {adj}asbestbedingt
containing asbestos {adj} [postpos.]asbesthaltig
2 Words: Verbs
to disturb asbestosAsbest freisetzen
2 Words: Nouns
constr. asbestos abatementAsbestsanierung {f}
chem. asbestos articlesAsbestartikel {pl}
asbestos banAsbestverbot {n}
asbestos blanketFeuerschutzdecke {f}
asbestos boardAsbestpappe {f}
constr. material asbestos boardAsbestplatte {f}
asbestos braidAsbestgeflecht {n}
constr. asbestos cementAsbestzement {m}
asbestos contaminationAsbestverseuchung {f}
theatre asbestos curtainFeuerschutzvorhang {m} [im Theater]
geol. mining asbestos depositAsbestlagerstätte {f}
geol. mining asbestos depositAsbestvorkommen {n}
asbestos dustAsbeststaub {m}
asbestos fiber [Am.]Asbestfaser {f}
asbestos fibre [Br.]Asbestfaser {f}
asbestos gasketAsbestdichtung {f}
mining asbestos mineAsbestmine {f}
asbestos packingAsbestdichtung {f}
asbestos particles {pl} [air or liquid borne]Asbeststaub {m}
constr. asbestos removalAsbestsanierung {f}
asbestos sealAsbestdichtung {f}
constr. tech. asbestos sheetAsbestplatte {f}
asbestos shingleAsbestzementschiefer {m}
cloth. FireResc asbestos suitAsbestanzug {m}
med. asbestos victimAsbestopfer {n}
mineral. blue asbestos [crocidolite]Hornblendeasbest {m} [Krokydolith]
mineral. blue asbestos [crocidolite]blauer Asbest {m} [Krokydolith]
material mineral. chrysotile asbestos [Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4]Chrysotilasbest {m}
chem. platinised asbestos [Br.]Platinasbest {n}
chem. platinized asbestosPlatinasbest {n}
chem. platinum asbestosPlatinasbest {n}
sprayed asbestosSpritzasbest {m}
Transite (asbestos)Asbestzement {m}
3 Words: Others
containing asbestos fibers {adj} [postpos.] [Am.]asbestfaserhaltig
containing asbestos fibres {adj} [postpos.] [Br.]asbestfaserhaltig
contaminated with asbestos {adj} [postpos.]asbestverseucht
3 Words: Nouns
material amphibole asbestos fiber [Am.]Amphibolasbestfaser {f}
asbestos cement pipeAsbestzementrohr {n}
asbestos clean-upAsbestsanierung {f}
asbestos fiber mat [Am.]Asbestgewebematte {f}
cloth. FireResc asbestos fireproof suitAsbestfeuerschutzanzug {m}
constr. asbestos-cement claddingAsbestbetonverkleidung {f}
constr. asbestos-cement sheetAsbestzementplatte {f}
constr. corrugated asbestos (sheet)Asbestzementwellplatte {f}
constr. material corrugated asbestos roofasbesthaltiges Wellplattendach {n}
constr. material corrugated asbestos roofing {sg}asbesthaltige Dachwellplatten {pl}
exposure to asbestosAsbestexposition {f}
occupational asbestos exposureberufliche Asbestexposition {f}
4 Words: Nouns
constr. asbestos cement corrugated sheet <ACCS>Asbestzementwellplatte {f}
dangerous levels of asbestosgesundheitsgefährdende Asbestkonzentrationen {pl}
5+ Words: Nouns
asbestos-cement high-pressure pipeAsbestzementdruckrohr {n}
FoodInd. kaolinitic clays, free of asbestos [E-559, in animal feed]Kaolinit-Tone {pl}, asbestfrei
med. pneumoconiosis due to asbestos and other mineral fibres [Br.] [ICD-10]Pneumokoniose {f} durch Asbest und sonstige anorganische Fasern [ICD-10]
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A 2013-04-11: Friable asbestos-containing material (ACM)
A 2013-04-11: "Other than cement-bonded asbestos products"
A 2011-03-07: "fixed asbestos" is a term of art when the asbestos is incorporated in a p...
Q 2008-05-06: to "disturb" asbestos
A 2008-03-07: try 'bonding plate' although Faserzement' is asbestos cement
A 2004-06-16: laryngeal cancer caused by asbestos
A 2004-06-16: ...caused by asbestos is better than asbestos-caused, sounds more natural
A 2004-06-16: asbestos-caused cancer of the throat
A 2004-01-06: containing asbestos

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