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English-German translation for: ascending
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Dictionary English German: ascending

Translation 1 - 47 of 47

English German
ADJ   ascending | - | -
VERB  to ascend | ascended | ascended
ascending | ascends
SYNO   ascending | ascension | ascent ... 
ascending {adj} {pres-p}
ascending {adj} {pres-p}
ascending {adj} {pres-p} [rising]
ascending {adj}
med. spec. ascending {adj} {pres-p}
Aufsteigen {n}
2 Words: Others
descending / ascending {adj}Abwärts- / Aufwärts-
2 Words: Nouns
anat. ascending aortaAorta {f} ascendens
anat. ascending aorta <AA> [Aorta ascendens]aufsteigende Aorta {f}
anat. med. ascending branch [Ramus ascendens]aufsteigender Ast {m}
anat. biol. ascending colon [Colon ascendens]aufsteigendes Kolon {n}
med. ascending infectionaszendierende Infektion {f}
med. ascending infectionaufsteigende Infektion {f}
mus. ascending intervalaufsteigendes Intervall {n}
mus. ascending intervalsteigendes Intervall {n}
ascending keyaufsteigender Ordnungsbegriff {m}
FireResc ascending ladderSteigleiter {f}
ascending lineaufsteigende Linie {f}
automot. law traffic ascending motoristbergauffahrender Fahrzeugführer {m}
astron. ascending node <☊> [Rahu]aufsteigender Knoten {m} <☊> [Rahu]
ascending orderaufsteigende Anordnung {f}
ascending orderaufsteigende Folge {f}
ascending orderaufsteigende Reihenfolge {f}
archi. ascending passageaufsteigender Gang {m}
med. ascending phaseAnstiegsphase {f}
MedTech. ascending positionAufsteigeposition {f}
math. ascending powerssteigende Potenzen {pl}
mus. ascending scaleaufsteigende Tonleiter {f}
ascending sequenceaufsteigende Folge {f}
ascending sequenceaufsteigende Reihe {f}
ascending seriesaufsteigende Reihe {f}
3 Words: Others
in ascending order {adv}in aufsteigender Reihenfolge
3 Words: Nouns
chem. ascending alcohol seriesaufsteigende Alkoholreihe {f}
math. ascending chain conditionTeilerkettensatz {m}
anat. ascending palatine artery [Arteria palatina ascendens]aufsteigende Gaumenarterie {f}
anat. ascending pharyngeal artery [Arteria pharyngea ascendens]aufsteigende Rachenschlagader {f}
gently ascending slopesanft ansteigender Hang {m}
process of ascendingAuffahrt {f}
4 Words: Others
when ascending the throne {adv}bei der Thronbesteigung
4 Words: Verbs
to arrange sth. in ascending orderetw. ansteigend anordnen
4 Words: Nouns
anat. med. ascending reticular activating system <ARAS>aufsteigendes retikuläres Aktivierungssystem {n} <ARAS>
5+ Words: Others
sorted by date in ascending orderaufsteigend nach Datum sortiert
Tables are sorted in ascending order.Tabellen sind aufsteigend sortiert.
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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Q 2013-08-23: pull strings for ascending or descending the curtain
A 2011-11-14: Hint (11:02) Bess is a queen, referred to as +her majesty+ - she was a +ro...
A 2011-05-05: I think the 1st option, because afferents are ascending (tracks? of) nerves
A 2011-03-23: ascending aorta in US English
A 2010-03-30: another: Keeping the ascending road to your right, ...
A 2010-03-29: Ignore the ascending road off to the right
A 2010-03-29: let the ascending road on the right pass whatever ...
A 2008-11-24: the versions are numbered in ascending order
A 2007-03-21: slightly ascending bridges
A 2007-03-02: act of ascending
A 2007-03-01: maybe: ascending thrust
A 2007-02-01: ascending. ascent?
A 2006-10-27: rising or ascending pipe
A 2004-04-13: gentle rise of the sun, ascending sun, upcoming sun, morning sun ascending...

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