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Dictionary English German: ash

Translation 1 - 50 of 318  >>


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NOUN1   an ash | ashes
NOUN2   ash [wood] | -
VERB  to ash | ashed | ashed ... 
SYNO   ash | ash tree
ash {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bark, cicada, grove, leaf, species, wood]
Eschen- [z. B. Rinde, Zikade, Wäldchen, Blatt, Art, Holz]
ash {adj} [attr.] [e.g. content, heap, layer, particle, plume, shovel]
Asche- [z. B. Gehalt, Haufen, Schicht, Partikel, Wolke, Schaufel]
ash {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bin, cone, drawer, lye, pit]Aschen- [z. B. Eimer, Kegel, Lade, Lauge, Grube]
Asche {f}
bot. T
Esche {f}
constr. furn. ash2 [wood]
Esche {f} [Holz]
ling. ash <Æ, æ> [æsc] [letter]
Ash {n} <Æ, æ> [auch Æ, Aesc, Æsc] [Buchstabe]
phonet. ash <æ> [symbol representing the sound of a near-open front unrounded vowel][phonetisches Zeichen für einen ungerundeten fast offenenen Vorderzungenvokal] <æ>
2 Words: Others
ash blond {adj}aschblond
ash blonde {adj}aschblond
ash-blonde {adj}weißblond
ash-gray {adj} [Am.]aschgrau
ash-gray {adj} [Am.]aschefarben
ash-grey {adj} [Br.]aschgrau
ash-grey {adj} [Br.]aschefarben
containing ash {adj} [postpos.]aschehaltig
2 Words: Nouns
chem. ash analysisAschenanalyse {f}
geol. ash avalancheAschelawine {f}
bot. ash barkEschenrinde {f}
ash binAscheneimer {m}
ash bunkerAschebunker {m}
gastr. ash butler [for collecting ashes and crumbs]Tischbutler {m} [zum Säubern von (gedeckten) Tischen]
ash canAscheneimer {m}
ash can [Am.]Kehrichteimer {m} [schweiz.]
ash capsule [cremation]Aschekapsel {f}
geol. material ash cloudAschenwolke {f} [selten für: Aschewolke]
geol. material ash cloudAschewolke {f}
geol. ash coneAschenkegel {m}
ash constituentsAschebestandteile {pl}
ash contentAscheanteil {m}
ash contentAschegehalt {m}
ash contentAschengehalt {m}
tech. ash contentGlührückstand {m}
FireResc geol. ash depositAscheablagerung {f}
geol. tech. ash depositionAscheablagerung {f}
meteo. ash devil[Kleintrombe aus aufgewirbeltem Aschematerial]
ecol. ash disposalAscheentsorgung {f}
tech. ash disposalEntaschung {f}
ash drawerAschenschublade {f}
ash drawer [of a stove etc.]Aschenlade {f}
geol. meteo. ash fallAscheregen {m}
geol. material ash flowAschestrom {m}
FireResc geol. ash flowGlutwolke {f}
ash gray [Am.]Aschgrau {n}
for. ash groveEschenwäldchen {n}
tools ash handleEschenstiel {m}
ash heapAschehaufen {m}
ash heapAschenhaufen {m}
ash hopperAschenbehälter {m}
archaeo. geol. ash layerAscheschicht {f}
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Q 2012-09-10: Ores, Slag And Ash
A 2012-01-29: ash
A 2011-06-14: correction: Phosphorus is ash.
Q 2010-04-16: dict.cc hit by volcano-ash-cloud blackout?
A 2009-05-02: Peace be with your ash.Amen
A 2009-01-22: Private Ash in the last rank
A 2006-02-07: ague or ash tree : Esche
A 2004-11-27: Ausbrand=bottom ash (residue)
A 2004-01-17: pale red, ash grey or ashen
A 2003-12-23: flake of ash

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ash Æ æ

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