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English-German translation for: ashamed
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Dictionary English German: ashamed

Translation 1 - 29 of 29

English German
ADJ   ashamed | more ashamed | most ashamed
VERB  to ashame | ashamed | ashamed ... 
ashamed {adj} {past-p} [pred. or postpos.]
2 Words
deeply ashamed {adj}zutiefst beschämt
feeling ashamedschämend
felt ashamed {past-p}geschämt
sb. became ashamedjd. schämte sich
sb. feels ashamedjd. schämt sich
to make sb. ashamedjdn. beschämen
3 Words
confused and ashamed {adj}verwirrt und beschämt
to be ashamed of sb./sth.sich jds./etw. schämen
to be ashamed of sb./sth.sich für jdn./etw. schämen
to be ashamed of sth.sich wegen etw. [meist Gen., auch Dat.] schämen
to be ashamed of sth.wegen etw. [meist Gen., auch Dat.] beschämt sein
to be terribly ashamedsehr beschämt sein
to be thoroughly ashamedsichAkk. in Grund und Boden schämen
to be utterly ashamedsichAkk. zu Tode schämen [Redewendung]
to make sb. feel ashamedjdn. beschämen
4 Words
Are you not ashamed?Schämst du dich nicht?
to be ashamed of oneselfsichAkk. schämen
to feel ashamed (of oneself)sichAkk. schämen
5+ Words
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?Schämst du dich nicht?
He ought to be ashamed of himself.Er sollte sich schämen.
He ought to be ashamed of himself.Er sollte sich was schämen. [ugs.]
He should be ashamed of himself.Er sollte sich was schämen.
I'm deeply ashamed to admit ...Ich muss zu meiner Schande gestehen, ...
quote The more things a man is ashamed of, the more respectable he is. [George Bernard Shaw]Je mehr ein Mensch sich schämt, als desto anständiger gilt er.
What / Who are you ashamed of?Wessen schämst du dich? [geh.]
What are you ashamed of?Weswegen schämst du dich?
You ought to be ashamed of yourself.Sie sollten sich schämen. [formelle Anrede]
You should be ashamed of yourself!Schäme dich!
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Q 2016-09-13: that's nothing to be ashamed of
A 2014-11-27: confounded them = proved them wrong or confused them or made them ashamed?
A 2014-05-02: they made it safe (add: to weep without being ashamed) - und ich musste ...
Q 2013-02-04: Nothing to be ashamed of
A 2012-06-30: ashamed is usually used with I
Q 2012-06-30: Is the English sentence 'you're so ashamed.' below proper and idiomatic? Thanks.
A 2012-06-25: ashamed und "beschämt" werden aber anders verstanden.
Q 2012-06-25: I would translate the German sentence below with 'You're such/so an ashame...
Q 2012-04-17: to be act ashamed
A 2012-03-17: Don't be ashamed of your feelings
A 2010-10-14: come on guys, don't be ashamed, ;) does it mean it's a dead town?
A 2009-04-05: Be ashamed
A 2008-03-13: er steht zu = he is not ashamed of
A 2006-09-14: I'm ashamed of myself... here's more context (although I'm not sure if it ...
A 2006-07-29: sorry... don't know why I'm so secretive (maybe because I'm ashamed of the...
A 2006-06-28: I am ashamed
A 2004-08-26: no reason 2 b ashamed, bee - another 'happy-ending' trip 2 poland?? ;o)

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