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English-German translation for: ashore
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Dictionary English German: ashore

Translation 1 - 23 of 23

English German
ashore {adv}am Land
ashore {adv}zu Lande
ashore {adv} [on the shore, on land]an Land
ashore {adv} [to the shore, onto the shore]ans Land
ashore {adv} [to the shore, onto the shore]an die Küste
2 Words
washed ashore {adj} {past-p} [often postpos.]angeschwemmt
washing ashore {adj}anschwemmend
to bring ashorean Land bringen
to cast ashoreans Ufer werfen
naut. to cast sb. ashore [against their will]jdn. aussetzen [an Land gegen seinen Willen]
to come ashorelanden
naut. travel to go ashoreanlanden [an Land gehen]
to go ashorean Land gehen
to pull ashore [esp. a drowned body]länden [regional oder Juristensprache] [aus dem Wasser ziehen (namentlich Ertrunkene)]
to put ashorean Land setzen
naut. TrVocab. to put sb. ashorejdn. aussetzen [jdn. an Land setzen]
naut. to run ashorestranden
naut. to run ashoreauf den Strand auflaufen
to wash ashoreanschwemmen
3 Words
to be washed ashoreangetrieben werden [angespült, angeschwemmt]
to be washed ashorean die Küste gespült werden
body washed ashorean den Strand gespülte Leiche {f}
5+ Words
All ashore that's going ashore.[traditionelle Aufforderung vor dem Ablegen an Besucher, das Schiff zu verlassen, etwa: „Alle Besucher von Bord!“]
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A 2014-03-27: Ashore?
A 2009-07-30: Perhaps a family with three children were washed ashore after a shipwreck ;-))))
A 2007-11-07: in GM's vein: Ashore! - New Projects and Endeavours Await!
A 2007-11-07: Come ashore - for new projects and endeavours? Oder 'Come to shore ...=

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