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English-German translation for: asking
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Dictionary English German: asking

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

English German
NOUN   asking | -
VERB  to ask | asked | asked
asking | asks
SYNO   asking | request
asking {adj} {pres-p}
asking {adj} {pres-p}
asking {adj}
asking {adj}
Fragen {n}
askingBefragung {f}
2 Words: Others
asking backzurückerbittend
asking forausbittend
asking throughdurchfragend
Who's asking?Wer will das wissen?
2 Words: Nouns
asking priceAngebotskurs {m}
stocks asking priceBriefkurs {m} <B>
asking pricePreisforderung {f}
asking pricePreisvorstellung {f}
asking priceursprüngliche Preisforderung {f}
comm. asking price [in classified ads etc.]Verhandlungsbasis {f} <VB, VHB> [in Kleinanzeigen usw.]
continual askingbeständiges Fragen {n}
3 Words: Others
asking you tomit der Bitte um
instead of asking {adv}statt zu fragen
Stop asking questions!Hör auf zu fragen!
Thanks for asking.Danke der Nachfrage.
Thanks for asking.Danke, dass du fragst.
without even asking {adv}ohne auch nur zu fragen
3 Words: Verbs
to start asking questionslosfragen [ugs.]
4 Words: Others
after asking many questions {adv}nach vielen Fragen
Don't keep asking me.Frag doch nicht andauernd.
Don't keep asking me.Frag mich doch nicht andauernd.
Never mind me asking!Vergiss meine Frage!
Nobody is asking you.Dich hat niemand gefragt.
Pardon my asking, but ...Verzeihen Sie die Frage, aber ... [formelle Anrede]
Unverified Sb.'s asking for it. [coll.] [idiom]Jdn./jdm. juckt das Fell. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
4 Words: Verbs
to be asking for it [idiom]es darauf anlegen [Redewendung]
to be asking for troubleÄrger herausfordern
to be asking for trouble [idiom]es darauf anlegen [Redewendung]
to keep (on) asking questionsnachbohren [ugs.] [fig.] [hartnäckig nachfragen]
5+ Words: Others
... if you don't mind my asking ...... wenn ich fragen darf ...
Are you asking for trouble?Willst du dir Ärger zuziehen?
proverb Every wise man started out by asking many questions. [from China]Jeder Weise hat zuerst viele Fragen gestellt.
He can't stop asking questions.Er fragt einem ein Loch in den Bauch. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
He'll give you a clout just for asking.Er wird dich ohrfeigen, weil du überhaupt fragst.
It's yours for the asking.Frag einfach.
Now you're asking me one!Da fragst du mich was!
Sb. was asking for it. [for the negative consequences of one's own actions]Jd. hat es (geradezu) herausgefordert. [für die negativen Folgen seiner eigenen Handlung]
Unverified Sb.'s asking for a good hiding. [coll.]Jdn./jdm. juckt das Fell. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
The police are asking people for any information bearing on the case.Die Polizei bittet die Bevölkerung um sachdienliche Hinweise.
The police are asking people for any information relevant to the case.Die Polizei bittet die Bevölkerung um sachdienliche Hinweise.
The police are asking people for any leads bearing on the case.Die Polizei bittet die Bevölkerung um sachdienliche Hinweise.
The police are asking people for any leads relevant to the case.Die Polizei bittet die Bevölkerung um sachdienliche Hinweise.
idiom There's no law against asking.Man wird doch wohl noch fragen dürfen.
5+ Words: Verbs
Unverified to be asking for it / trouble [idiom]es nicht anders wollen [Redewendung]
idiom to be heading / asking for troublesichDat. Ärger einhandeln [ugs.]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Asking for Trouble [Ann Granger]Nur der Tod ist ohne Makel
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Q 2024-04-16: It's yours for the asking.
A 2018-07-06: Thanks for asking your husband, Windfall
Q 2018-04-13: To a company asking for my documents + salary expectations
Q 2018-03-21: asking if jaywalking was bad
A 2016-08-31: Beyond any doubt: +It's just my curiosity. / I'm asking this out of curios...
A 2016-07-06: Soliciting information is what the people asking the questions are doing,
A 2015-06-26: I assume you are asking about the English sentence, which is ok, or you ca...
A 2015-04-21: asking for something to be done
Q 2015-04-21: Übersetzung "asking for something..."
A 2015-02-03: asking a question or asking a favour_
A 2015-01-29: Without more context, he's asking for contact details - phone number, emai...
A 2015-01-07: +at+ the b. party - I'm still - asking to be / make sure - Yes, you're rig...
A 2014-12-17: So what are you asking us to do about it?
A 2014-12-07: I was asking for a German translation, NOT a proofreading, but thank you.
A 2014-11-26: You could try sending them an email and asking for one.
A 2014-11-23: The reason I'm asking
A 2014-04-21: Asking such questions is perfectly all right here. Whether you will receiv...
A 2014-04-08: Use +asking+ instesd of +demanding.+
A 2014-03-06: There are certain times and places where asking someone's age or date of b...
Q 2013-11-14: "asking someone if they have already gone"

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