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English-German translation for: aspect
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Dictionary English German: aspect

Translation 1 - 50 of 95  >>

English German
NOUN   an aspect | aspects
SYNO   aspect | facet | panorama | prospect ... 
Aspekt {m}
Gesichtspunkt {m}
aspect [point of view]
Bezug {m} [Blickwinkel]
aspect [point of view]
Ansicht {f} [Gesichtspunkt]
Standpunkt {m}
Perspektive {f}
aspect [appearance]
Aussehen {n}
Anblick {m}
aspect [of question, subject etc.]
Seite {f} [Aspekt]
Blickpunkt {m}
Moment {n} [Gesichtspunkt]
aspect [appearance]
Erscheinung {f} [Anblick, Aussehen]
geogr. geol. acad. aspect [geographic information systems]
Exposition {f} [Geografische Informations-Systeme]
aspect [appearance]
Erscheinungsbild {n}
aspect [appearance]Erscheinungsform {f}
2 Words: Others
rail four-aspect {adj} [attr.]vierbegriffig [Signal]
rail three-aspect {adj} [attr.]dreibegriffig [Signal]
rail two-aspect {adj} [attr.]zweibegriffig [Signal]
2 Words: Nouns
bot. ecol. aestival aspectAestival-Aspekt {m}
MedTech. aspect ratioAbbildungsverhältnis {n}
aspect ratioAspektverhältnis {n}
film RadioTV aspect ratioBildformat {n}
aspect ratioBildseitenverhältnis {n}
math. aspect ratioKantenlängenverhältnis {n}
electr. MedTech. RadioTV aspect ratioSeitenverhältnis {n}
aviat. aspect ratioStreckung {f}
aspect ratioVerhältnis {n} von Bildbreite zu Bildhöhe
automot. tech. aspect ratio <AR, H/W>Querschnittsverhältnis {n} <QSV, H/B>
bot. ecol. autumnal aspectAutumnal-Aspekt {m}
biol. bot. ecol. autumnal aspectHerbst-Aspekt {m}
psych. behavioral aspect [Am.]Verhaltensaspekt {m}
psych. behavioural aspect [Br.]Verhaltensaspekt {m}
content aspectInhaltsaspekt {m} [inhaltlicher Aspekt]
cost aspectKostenaspekt {m}
design aspectDesignaspekt {m}
development aspectEntwicklungsaspekt {m}
ecol. QM environmental aspect <EA>Umweltaspekt {m} <UA>
gloomy aspectfinstere Erscheinung {f}
health aspectGesundheitsaspekt {m}
bot. ecol. hiemal aspectHiemal-Aspekt {m}
ling. imperfective aspect <IPFV aspect, IMPV aspect>imperfektiver Aspekt {m} <IPFV-Aspekt>
ling. imperfective aspect <IPFV, IMPV> [esp. in Slavic languages]unvollendeter Aspekt {m} [bes. bei slawischen Sprachen]
key aspectHauptmerkmal {n}
key aspectKernpunkt {m}
key aspectgrundlegender Aspekt {m}
law legal aspectrechtliche Seite {f} [eines Problems]
main aspectHauptaspekt {m}
main aspectHauptgesichtspunkt {m}
minor aspectNebenaspekt {m}
negative aspectNegativum {n} [geh.]
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A 2023-04-12: The fiscal aspect is money
A 2023-04-12: Some more context. After all, there is also a fiscal aspect.
A 2022-07-08: Hints; a conservative aspect of German grammar ...
A 2018-12-03: Aspect
A 2016-11-14: aspect(s) vielleicht besser
A 2015-10-02: Another aspect >>> +Erhebung > uprising+ in 1933 as well
A 2015-04-28: Maybe: ... further significant growth rates continue to be possible - +con...
A 2015-04-28: Ok - I wasn't thinking of the magic aspect of the book :-)
A 2014-10-15: appearance, expression, aspect ..... ?!
A 2014-10-02: " .... the narrowing aspect is not included ..."
A 2014-03-28: Centrifuges made to perfection. In every aspect.
A 2014-03-28: responsible - in respect of some other authority or of some other overar...
A 2013-08-28: "Athlet" refers to the physical aspect, to the muscle mass ("all brawn and...
Q 2013-06-07: "Superior/inferior aspect" der Kniekehle - was ist das, bitte?
A 2013-05-09: There are two different phenomena - seeing one aspect only \ seeing many a...
A 2013-01-05: " ... doesn't include the temporal aspect here " - vielleicht dann mt de...
A 2012-08-07: IF you want to emphasize the insanity aspect...
A 2012-03-21: http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/climate?q=climate .... trend of ...
A 2011-11-09: IMO, the +hereditary aspect+ is serendipitously identified, not the diseas...
A 2011-10-10: spatial / physical aspect / scope of marriage / wedlock \ of tenancy

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