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Dictionary English German: aspects

Translation 1 - 39 of 39

English German
NOUN   an aspect | aspects
Perspektiven {pl}
Aspekte {pl}
Gesichtspunkte {pl}
math. aspects
Ansichten {pl}
Momente {pl} [Gesichtspunkte]
2 Words: Nouns
content aspectsinhaltliche Aspekte {pl}
cultural aspectsKulturaspekte {pl} [kulturelle Aspekte]
developmental aspectsEntwicklungsaspekte {pl}
different aspectsverschiedene / unterschiedliche Aspekte {pl}
ecol. environmental aspectsUmweltaspekte {pl}
ethical aspectsethische Aspekte {pl}
ethical aspectsethische Überlegungen {pl}
future aspectszukünftige Perspektiven {pl}
individual aspectsEinzelaspekte {pl}
innumerable aspectszahllose Aspekte {pl}
key aspectsSchlüsselaspekte {pl}
law legal aspectsRechtsfragen {pl}
negative aspectsNegativa {pl} [geh.]
operation aspectsbetriebliche Gesichtspunkte {pl}
operational aspectsoperative Aspekte {pl}
positive aspectsPositiva {pl} [geh.]
security aspectsSicherheitsaspekte {pl}
single aspectsEinzelaspekte {pl}
tech. technical aspectstechnische Aspekte {pl}
ling. textual aspectsTextaspekte {pl}
3 Words: Others
in all aspects {adv}in allen Bereichen
in several aspects {adv}in mehrerlei Hinsicht
in several aspects {adv}in mehrfacher Hinsicht
3 Words: Nouns
aspects of cultureKulturaspekte {pl}
aspects of justiceGerechtigkeitsaspekte {pl}
aspects of lifeLebensbereiche {pl}
bot. ecol. sequence of aspectsAspektfolge {f}
4 Words: Verbs
to consider sth. from all aspectsetw. von allen Seiten betrachten
4 Words: Nouns
key aspects of activitySchwerpunkte {pl} der Aktivität
5+ Words: Verbs
to consider sth. in all its aspectsetw. von allen Seiten betrachten
5+ Words: Nouns
law (Hague) Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction(Haager) Übereinkommen {n} über die zivilrechtlichen Aspekte internationaler Kindesentführung
law Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights <TRIPS>Übereinkommen {n} über handelsbezogene Aspekte der Rechte des geistigen Eigentums <TRIPS-Abkommen>
aspects of research ethics and lawforschungsethische und -rechtliche Aspekte {pl}
med. sex and gender aspects of health and illnessSex- und Gender-Aspekte {pl} von Gesundheit und Krankheit
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A 2016-07-12: Which aspects have to be interconnected to form a (an interwoven / a worki...
A 2015-12-05: Human resource aspects
A 2015-10-27: Vgl. die Wiki Def: +Ranch foreman, the manager of a ranch, overseeing all ...
A 2015-06-19: http://www.dict.cc/?s=several+aspects
A 2014-06-18: This is a bit tricky indeed. In many cases, German has two grammatical asp...
A 2013-09-23: All that remains in the short space of time are the aspects marginally and...
A 2013-05-09: There are two different phenomena - seeing one aspect only \ seeing many a...
A 2013-04-12: Legal aspects
Q 2012-09-25: These features include a priori selecting aspects of the associated distri...
A 2012-01-15: 'Aspects' could refer to aspects found in a previous platform or program.
A 2011-08-16: http://www.google.de/search?q=%22science+policy+aspects%22&btnG=Suche&hl=d...
A 2011-05-21: Thanks, but what about the possible use or non-use of the aspects in the t...
A 2011-02-05: As business models aim at a certain purpose or objective (teleological asp...
A 2010-11-28: ... attained if those objectives do not further encourage a one-sided appr...
A 2010-08-05: The technical aspects need a little work, but what is meant by:
A 2010-05-26: one more suggestion "aspects of first language acquisition" ?
Q 2010-04-05: "Please consider the following aspects explicitly: project papers, search ...
A 2010-03-30: aspects of justice and economic prosperity
A 2010-02-24: Having reviewed all aspects of the topic
A 2009-11-24: The target is to embrace as many aspects of the Reformation as possible in...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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