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English-German translation for: assumed
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Dictionary English German: assumed

Translation 1 - 40 of 40

English German
ADJ   assumed | more assumed | most assumed
VERB  to assume | assumed | assumed ... 
SYNO   assumed | false | fictitious ... 
assumed {adj} {past-p}
assumed {adj} {past-p}
vermutet [attr.]
assumed {adj} {past-p}
assumed {adj} {past-p}
assumed {adj} {past-p}
geschätzt [vermutet]
assumed {adj} {past-p}
angesehen [angenommen, betrachtet]
assumed {adj}
sb. assumedjd. nahm an
2 Words: Others
because sb. assumedweil jd. annahm
2 Words: Nouns
med. assumed consentunterstellte Einwilligung {f}
assumed identityangenommene Identität {f}
law assumed liabilitiesübernommene Schulden {pl}
law assumed liabilitiesübernommene Verbindlichkeiten {pl}
assumed liabilityübernommene Haftung {f}
assumed nameDeckname {m}
assumed namePseudonym {n}
assumed nameangenommener Name {m}
assumed namesDecknamen {pl}
insur. assumed reinsuranceaktive Rückversicherung {f}
assumed valueAnnahmewert {m}
assumed voiceverstellte Stimme {f}
risks assumedeingegangene Risiken {pl}
3 Words: Others
no liability assumedohne Gewähr [bei Lottozahlen, statistischen Angaben]
3 Words: Nouns
assumed binary pointangenommenes Binärkomma {n}
assumed decimal pointRechendezimalpunkt {m}
assumed decimal pointangenommenes Dezimalkomma {n}
4 Words: Others
assumed to be dead {adj} [postpos. or pred.]für tot gehalten
It is assumed that ...Es wird vorausgesetzt, dass ...
It is assumed that ...Man nimmt an, dass ...
under an assumed name {adv}unter falschem Namen
under an assumed name {adv}unter einem angenommenen Namen
under an assumed name {adv}unter einem fremden Namen
4 Words: Nouns
assumed mean life timegeschätzte mittlere Lebensdauer {f}
assumed rate of interestRechenzinsfuß {m}
5+ Words: Others
It can be assumed that ...Die Vermutung liegt nahe, dass ...
It can be assumed that ...Es ist zu vermuten, dass ...
It must be assumed that ...Es ist davon auszugehen, dass ...
quote relig. What is not assumed is not healed. [Gregory of Nazianzus]Was nicht angenommen ist, ist nicht geheilt.
5+ Words: Verbs
journ. lit. to write under an assumed nameunter einem Pseudonym schreiben
5+ Words: Nouns
pharm. assumed average maintenance dose per day [defined daily dose]angenommene mittlere Tagesdosis {f}
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A 2019-02-01: I assumed it was a general statement about 'the youth of today', not two p...
A 2018-12-03: Ah - I assumed you knew what it was,
Q 2017-12-15: could simply be assumed - could be simply assumed - could be assumed simply ???
A 2016-05-04: I assumed this was about something that was written, not a chant.
A 2016-02-12: My answer assumed the +Stangen+ part was more important than the +Enter+ part,
A 2016-02-02: :-) That's what I assumed.
A 2015-11-15: I assumed you were indoors.
A 2015-07-08: I assumed +less far+ was in inverted commas to highlight it for us,
A 2014-12-19: Sorry, I didn't notice the IN next to your name and assumed you were Germa...
A 2014-10-01: I have always assumed that this was a tongue-in-cheek way of saying the op...
A 2014-07-02: @ Windfall - I assumed it was past tense, too.
A 2014-01-22: for as long as it is assumed the profit situation will develop in a clearl...
A 2014-01-11: I have always assumed that this was a translation from English -
A 2013-11-06: I assumed sport because of Team, Ergebnis and Etappe,
A 2013-09-23: I assumed the training would consist in explaining the features of the bus...
A 2013-08-28: The court's opinion that intent on part of the defendant can be assumed...
A 2013-07-25: @MichaelK - " followed ... phrase indicating an inadequacy? " No, it'...
A 2013-05-29: I'd always assumed fridge came from refrigerator,
A 2013-01-25: Fortwursteln ~ muddling along / through - in this respect the Austrian and...
A 2012-12-03: Ah, yes - I assumed it was something edible because of the +organic agricu...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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