| English | German | |
| – |
| at least {adv} | jedenfalls [zumindest] | |
| at least {adv} | mindestens | |
| at least {adv} | wenigstens | |
| at least {adv} | zumindest | |
| at least {adv} | am wenigsten | |
| at least {adv} | auf jeden Fall [zumindest, jedenfalls] | |
| at least {adv} [if nothing else] | immerhin [wenigstens] | |
| at least not {adv} | wenigstens nicht | |
| at least one {adv} | mindestens ein | |
| at least partly {adv} | zumindest teilweise | |
| at least since {conj} | spätestens seit | |
| at the least {adv} | wenigstens | |
| at least 6 months {adv} | wenigstens 6 Monate | |
| at least a minute {adv} | wenigstens eine Minute | |
| at least for now {adv} | wenigstens / zumindest zur Zeit | |
| at least on paper {adv} [fig.] [in theory] | wenigstens / zumindest in der Theorie | |
| At least that's settled. | Wenigstens ist das erledigt. | |
| at the least touch {adv} | bei der geringsten Berührung | |
| at the very least {adv} | allermindestens | |
| at the very least {adv} | allerwenigstens | |
| at the very least {adv} | geringstenfalls [geh.] | |
| at the very least {adv} | zumindest | |
| at the very least {adv} | zum Mindesten | |
| amounts of at least | Beträge {pl} von wenigstens | |
| (sth.) must at least be equivalent (to) | (etw.) muss mindestens gleichwertig sein | |
| comp. All members shall be granted at least read access. | Allen Mitgliedern ist mindestens Leserecht einzuräumen. | |
| comm. at least 30 days prior to its / their coming into force / effect | mindestens 30 Tage vor seinem / ihrem Inkrafttreten | |
| at least as big as | wenigstens so groß wie | |
| at least every three months {adv} | mindestens alle drei Monate | |
| at least once a year {adv} | mindestens einmal jährlich | |
| at least once a year {adv} | wenigstens einmal im Jahr | |
| at least twice as many | mindestens doppelt so viele | |
| At least we came away. | Wenigstens sind wir davongekommen. | |
| At least we had a good evening. | Wenigstens hatten wir einen guten Abend. | |
| for at least 30 days {adv} | für mindestens 30 Tage | |
| If you do want to make money at all costs, then you could at least try to be eco-friendly. | Wenn du schon unbedingt Geld machen willst, dann könntest du wenigstens versuchen, umweltfreundlich zu sein. | |
| If you're going to break up with her, then you might at least have the decency to let her know about it! | Wenn du mit ihr Schluss machen willst, dann habe zumindest den Anstand, ihr das zu sagen. | |
| psych. in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging | in mindestens zwei potentiell selbstschädigenden Bereichen | |
| It averages at least 1%. | Es macht im Durchschnitt mindestens 1 % aus. | |
| It consists of at least 3 people. | Es besteht aus wenigstens 3 Personen. | |
| Perhaps you could at least give it a cursory glance? | Vielleicht könnten Sie zumindest einmal einen kurzen Blick darauf werfen? [formelle Anrede] | |
| Perhaps, you could at least take a quick look at it. | Vielleicht können Sie zumindest mal einen kurzen Blick darauf werfen. | |
| Please allow for at least two weeks' notice. | Wir bitten um eine Vorlaufzeit von mindestens zwei Wochen. | |
| sth. must be at least as high | etw. muss mindestens so hoch sein | |
| That is some progress at least. | Das ist schon ein Fortschritt. | |
| to at least the same extent {adv} | in zumindest demselben Ausmaß | |
| Well, if nothing else, at least I've laid your fears to rest. | Na bitte, wenn schon sonst nichts, so konnte ich wenigstens Ihre Befürchtungen zerstreuen. | |
| You could have at least called me. [Am.] | Das Mindeste wäre, dass du mich angerufen hättest. | |
| You could have at least called me. [Am.] | Du hättest mich wenigstens anrufen können. | |
| You could have at least rung me up. | Das Mindeste wäre, dass du mich angerufen hättest. | |
| You could have at least rung me up. | Du hättest mich wenigstens anrufen können. | |
| You must turn the key (at least) twice! | Du musst (mindestens) zweimal umschließen! | |
| to ache at the least pressure | beim geringsten Druck schmerzen | |
| tech. to be on for 10 min. at least | mindestens 10 Min. in Betrieb sein | |
| to do at least as well as ... | mindestens so gut abschneiden wie ... | |
| to have at least one advantage | wenigstens einen Vorteil haben | |
| to last for another ten years at least | noch mindestens weitere zehn Jahre dauern | |
| to take at least 3 days | wenigstens 3 Tage brauchen [z. B. Fahrt, Heilungsprozess] | |
| to tip the scales at at least a ton [coll.] | es locker auf eine Tonne bringen [ugs.] | |
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