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English-German translation for: at least
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Dictionary English German: at least

Translation 1 - 59 of 59

English German
SYNO   at least | at the least | at any rate ... 
at least {adv}jedenfalls [zumindest]
at least {adv}mindestens
at least {adv}wenigstens
at least {adv}zumindest
at least {adv}am wenigsten
at least {adv}auf jeden Fall [zumindest, jedenfalls]
at least {adv} [if nothing else]immerhin [wenigstens]
at least not {adv}wenigstens nicht
at least one {adv}mindestens ein
at least partly {adv}zumindest teilweise
at least since {conj}spätestens seit
at the least {adv}wenigstens
at least 6 months {adv}wenigstens 6 Monate
at least a minute {adv}wenigstens eine Minute
at least for now {adv}wenigstens / zumindest zur Zeit
at least on paper {adv} [fig.] [in theory]wenigstens / zumindest in der Theorie
At least that's settled.Wenigstens ist das erledigt.
at the least touch {adv}bei der geringsten Berührung
at the very least {adv}allermindestens
at the very least {adv}allerwenigstens
at the very least {adv}geringstenfalls [geh.]
at the very least {adv}zumindest
at the very least {adv}zum Mindesten
amounts of at leastBeträge {pl} von wenigstens
(sth.) must at least be equivalent (to)(etw.) muss mindestens gleichwertig sein
comp. All members shall be granted at least read access.Allen Mitgliedern ist mindestens Leserecht einzuräumen.
comm. at least 30 days prior to its / their coming into force / effectmindestens 30 Tage vor seinem / ihrem Inkrafttreten
at least as big aswenigstens so groß wie
at least every three months {adv}mindestens alle drei Monate
at least once a year {adv}mindestens einmal jährlich
at least once a year {adv}wenigstens einmal im Jahr
at least twice as manymindestens doppelt so viele
At least we came away.Wenigstens sind wir davongekommen.
At least we had a good evening.Wenigstens hatten wir einen guten Abend.
for at least 30 days {adv}für mindestens 30 Tage
If you do want to make money at all costs, then you could at least try to be eco-friendly.Wenn du schon unbedingt Geld machen willst, dann könntest du wenigstens versuchen, umweltfreundlich zu sein.
If you're going to break up with her, then you might at least have the decency to let her know about it!Wenn du mit ihr Schluss machen willst, dann habe zumindest den Anstand, ihr das zu sagen.
psych. in at least two areas that are potentially self-damagingin mindestens zwei potentiell selbstschädigenden Bereichen
It averages at least 1%.Es macht im Durchschnitt mindestens 1 % aus.
It consists of at least 3 people.Es besteht aus wenigstens 3 Personen.
Perhaps you could at least give it a cursory glance?Vielleicht könnten Sie zumindest einmal einen kurzen Blick darauf werfen? [formelle Anrede]
Perhaps, you could at least take a quick look at it.Vielleicht können Sie zumindest mal einen kurzen Blick darauf werfen.
Please allow for at least two weeks' notice.Wir bitten um eine Vorlaufzeit von mindestens zwei Wochen.
sth. must be at least as highetw. muss mindestens so hoch sein
That is some progress at least.Das ist schon ein Fortschritt.
to at least the same extent {adv}in zumindest demselben Ausmaß
Well, if nothing else, at least I've laid your fears to rest.Na bitte, wenn schon sonst nichts, so konnte ich wenigstens Ihre Befürchtungen zerstreuen.
You could have at least called me. [Am.]Das Mindeste wäre, dass du mich angerufen hättest.
You could have at least called me. [Am.]Du hättest mich wenigstens anrufen können.
You could have at least rung me up.Das Mindeste wäre, dass du mich angerufen hättest.
You could have at least rung me up.Du hättest mich wenigstens anrufen können.
You must turn the key (at least) twice!Du musst (mindestens) zweimal umschließen!
to ache at the least pressurebeim geringsten Druck schmerzen
tech. to be on for 10 min. at leastmindestens 10 Min. in Betrieb sein
to do at least as well as ...mindestens so gut abschneiden wie ...
to have at least one advantagewenigstens einen Vorteil haben
to last for another ten years at leastnoch mindestens weitere zehn Jahre dauern
to take at least 3 dayswenigstens 3 Tage brauchen [z. B. Fahrt, Heilungsprozess]
to tip the scales at at least a ton [coll.]es locker auf eine Tonne bringen [ugs.]
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A 2023-05-17: Agree, in this context it would be a form. Paper in this context is equiva...
A 2023-01-16: @MichaelK: locum - at least in BE - refers specifically to a doctor ...
A 2022-07-20: No, I wouldn't use it, at least not there. Would go with present perfect.
A 2021-12-27: At least in the UK, such statutes are always called +acts+
A 2020-02-21: I think the entry definitely needs, at least, disambiguation.
A 2019-10-11: Before unfolding the canopy make sure to store it at room temperature for ...
A 2019-09-08: Interesting, how he missed +shawty+ At least +shorty+ might have come to m...
Q 2019-06-20: Is my version at least in the ballpark?
A 2019-05-19: at least Australians know the term
A 2019-04-18: the word "Kunden" indicates it's (at least mainly) financial;
A 2018-08-24: romy, it will probably take at least another 5 years to get the Brexit thi...
A 2018-04-13: So at least in one respect I seem to agree with Lllllllama
Q 2018-03-05: at least I'm getting there
A 2018-01-12: @aphoenix: If you go by Merriam-Webster or Oxford online, you can at least...
A 2017-09-28: So then, +full backup+ every day or at least every other day?
A 2017-06-28: "etc." is more often used in German than is "usw." At least they are used ...
Q 2017-06-21: Have I at least got the gist of it?
Q 2017-04-13: Something missing or at least implicit?
A 2017-03-21: It's simply not true that "at all cost" does not exist or at least is neve...
A 2017-02-26: @Jim46 - Well, there are at least hundreds of transitive verbs w/o objects ...

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