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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: at the receiving end
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: at the receiving end

Translation 1 - 50 of 49707  >>

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to be at the receiving end of sth. [Br.] [idiom]Opfer von etw.Dat. werden
Partial Matches
to be on the receiving end of sth. [idiom]derjenige sein, der etw. abkriegt [ugs.]
to be on the receiving end of sth. [idiom]etw.Akk. einstecken müssen [fig.] [hinnehmen müssen]
to be on the receiving end of sth. [idiom]etw. abbekommen [ugs.]
to be on the receiving end of sth. [idiom]Opfer von etw.Dat. werden
at / on the receive / receiving side {adv}empfangsseitig
telecom. receiving endEmpfängerseite {f}
receiving endEmpfangsseite {f}
at the end {adv}am Ende
at the end {adv}zum Schluss
tech. at (the) one end {adv}einerends [selten] [am einen Ende]
at the driving end {adj} {adv}antriebsseitig
at the end of {prep}nach Ablauf [+Gen.]
at the extreme end {adv}am äußersten Ende
at the far end {adv}am fernen Ende
at the far end {adv}am hinteren Ende
at the farther end {adv}am ferneren Ende
at the farthest end {adv}ganz hinten
at the further end {adv}am anderen Ende [entfernt / entfernter gelegenen]
at the lower end {adv}am unteren Ende
tech. at the other end {adv}andererends [selten] [am anderen Ende]
at the top end {adv}am oberen Ende
at the very end {adv}am äußersten Ende [nur räumlich]
at the very end {adv}ganz am Ende [räumlich sowie zeitlich]
at the very end {adv}genau am Ende
right at the end {adv}ganz am Ende
to come at the endam Ende kommen
at the end of sth. {adv}ausgangs etw.Gen.
at the road's end {adv}am Ende der Straße
at the end of April {adv}Ende April
at the end of August {adv}Ende August
relig. at the end of days {adv}zur Endzeit
at the end of December {adv}Ende Dezember
at the end of February {adv}Ende Februar
med. at the end of inspirationam Ende der Einatmung
at the end of January {adv}Ende Januar
at the end of July {adv}Ende Juli
at the end of June {adv}Ende Juni
at the end of March {adv}Ende März
at the end of May {adv}Ende Mai
at the end of November {adv}Ende November
at the end of October {adv}Ende Oktober
at the end of September {adv}Ende September
at the end of time {adv}am Ende aller Zeit
at the end of time {adv}am Ende der Zeiten
at the end of times {adv}am Ende der Zeiten
relig. at the end time / times {adv}zur Endzeit
to begin at the right endam richtigen Ende anfangen
to begin at the wrong endam falschen Ende anfangen
at the end of a year {adv}am Ende eines Jahres
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A 2011-04-08: Oh yes, it's nice being at the receiving end :-))
A 2007-10-23: to be at the receiving end of s.th. - etwas einstecken (müssen), das Opfer...

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