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English-German translation for: atrial
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Dictionary English German: atrial

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ADJ   atrial | - | -
ADJ  atrial | - | - ... 
med. atrial {adj}
2 Words
med. atrial arrhythmia <AA>Vorhofarrhythmie {f}
anat. atrial auricleVorhofohr {n}
biol. atrial cavityAtriumhöhle {f}
med. atrial complex [ECG]Vorhofkomplex {m} [EKG]
med. atrial fibrillation <AF>Vorhofflimmern {n} <VHF>
med. atrial flutterVorhofflattern {n}
anat. atrial musculatureAtrialmuskulatur {f}
anat. atrial musculatureVorhofmuskulatur {f}
med. atrial myxomaatriales Myxom {n}
med. atrial reflex [Brainbridge reflex]Bainbridge-Reflex {m}
3 Words
med. atrial natriuretic factor <ANF>atrialer natriuretischer Faktor {m} <ANF>
biol. atrial natriuretic hormone <ANH>atriales natriuretisches Hormon {n} <ANH>
biochem. atrial natriuretic peptide <ANP>atriales natriuretisches Peptid {n} <ANP>
med. atrial septal aneurysm <ASA>Vorhofseptumaneurysma {n}
med. atrial septal defect <ASD>Atriumseptumdefekt {m} <ASD>
med. atrial septal defect <ASD>Vorhofseptumdefekt {m} <VSD>
anat. left atrial appendage <LAA> [Auricula (atrii) sinistra]linkes Herzohr {n}
med. premature atrial contraction <PAC>vorzeitige atriale Kontraktion {f}
anat. right atrial appendage <RAP> [Auricula (atrii) dextra]rechtes Herzohr {n}
med. right atrial pressure <RAP>rechter Vorhofdruck {m}
med. ventriculo-atrial shunt <VA shunt>Pudenz-Operation {f}
med. ventriculo-atrial shunt <VA shunt>ventrikuloatriale Drainage {f} [Pudenz-Operation]
4 Words
med. alcohol-induced atrial arrhythmias {pl}Holiday-Heart-Syndrom {n} <HHS>
med. atrial high rate episode <AHRE>atriale Hochfrequenzepisode {f} <AHRE, AHFE>
med. left atrial appendage closure <LAA closure, LAAC>Verschluss {m} des linken Vorhofohrs
med. left atrial appendage occlusion <LAA occlusion, LAAO>Vorhofohrverschluss {m}
med. left atrial appendage occlusion <LAA occlusion, LAAO>LAA-Verschluss {m} [Vorhofohrverschluss]
med. Rashkind balloon atrial septostomyRashkind-Atrioseptostomie {f}
med. Rashkind balloon atrial septostomy <Rashkind BAS>Ballonatrioseptostomie {f} nach Rashkind <BAS nach Rashkind>
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Q 2011-03-16: risk factor atrial fibrillation
Q 2007-08-14: atrial line ?
A 2003-06-21: Natural electromagnetically charged formulation for atrial fibrillation
Q 2003-05-25: Atrial Fibrillation

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