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English-German translation for: attacks of rheumatism
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Dictionary English German: attacks of rheumatism

Translation 1 - 50 of 64287  >>

med. attacks of rheumatismRheumaanfälle {pl}
Partial Matches
med. attacks of feverFieberanfälle {pl}
series of attacksAnschlagserie {f} [häufiger: Anschlagsserie]
series of attacksAnschlagsserie {f}
series of attacksAttentatsserie {f}
med. rheumatismdas Reißen {n} [ugs. auch für: Rheumatismus]
med. rheumatismReißen {n} [ugs.] [Rheumatismus]
med. rheumatismRheuma {n}
med. rheumatismRheumatismus {m}
med. to cause rheumatismRheuma verursachen
med. articular rheumatismGelenkrheumatismus {m}
med. articular rheumatismGliederrheuma {n}
med. cerebral rheumatismrheumatische Enzephalopathie {f}
med. chronic rheumatismchronisches Rheuma {n}
med. desert rheumatismWüstenrheumatismus {m}
med. joint rheumatismGelenkrheumatismus {m}
med. muscular rheumatismMuskelrheumatismus {m}
med. palindromic rheumatism <PR>palindromer Rheumatismus {m} <PR>
pharm. ointment for rheumatismRheumasalbe {f}
attacksAnfälle {pl}
attacksAngriffe {pl}
attacksAttacken {pl}
med. desert rheumatism [Granuloma coccidioides]Wüstengrippe {f}
med. affected with rheumatism {adj} [postpos.]an Rheuma erkrankt
med. chronic cerebral rheumatism <CCR>chronische rheumatische Enzephalopathie {f} <CRE>
med. chronic cerebral rheumatism <CCR>chronischer Cerebralrheumatismus {m} <CCR>
med. soft-tissue rheumatism <STR>Weichteilrheumatismus {m}
med. patient suffering from rheumatismRheumapatient {m}
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
sb. attacksjd. greift an
bomb attacksBombenanschläge {pl}
continual attacksanhaltende Angriffe {pl}
continual attackspausenlose Angriffe {pl}
flank attacksFlankenangriffe {f}
gas attacksGasangriffe {pl}
med. heart attacksHerzanfälle {pl}
psych. panic attacksPanikanfälle {pl}
med. shuddering attacksbenigne Säuglingsmyoklonie {f} [Schauderattacken]
med. shuddering attacksSchauderattacken {pl}
med. sneezing attacks {pl}Niesreiz {m}
surprise attacksÜberraschungsangriffe {pl}
terrorist attacksTerroranschläge {pl}
twin attacks {pl}Doppelanschlag {m}
violent attacksgewalttätige Angriffe {pl}
until sb. attacksbis jd. angreift
secure against attacks {adv}sicher vor Angriffen
hist. 2001 anthrax attacksAnthrax-Anschläge {pl} 2001
car bomb attacksAutobombenanschläge {pl}
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