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English-German translation for: audience
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Dictionary English German: audience

Translation 1 - 50 of 128  >>

English German
NOUN   an audience | audiences
SYNO   audience | hearing | consultation ... 
Publikum {n} [Theater, Vortrag etc.]
Zielgruppe {f}
audience {sg} [of speaker; often treated as pl.]
Zuhörer {pl}
film theatre RadioTV audience {sg}
Zuschauer {pl}
Zuhörerschaft {f}
audience [of writer, book]
Leserschaft {f}
Hörerkreis {m}
audience [with the Pope etc.]
Audienz {f} [beim Papst etc.]
audience {sg} [readership]
Adressaten {pl}
audience [listeners]
Hörerschaft {f}
audience [of writer, book]
Leserkreis {m}
Auditorium {n} [geh.] [Hörerschaft]
2 Words: Others
audience-grabbing {adj}die Massen erfassend
2 Words: Nouns
addressed audience [also fig.]Adressatenkreis {m}
advertising audienceWerbepublikum {n}
appreciative audiencedankbares Publikum {n}
appreciative audienceverständnisvolle Zuhörerschaft {f}
art art audienceKunstpublikum {n}
attentive audienceaufmerksame Zuhörerschaft {f}
audience analysisLeseranalyse {f}
audience analysisPublikumsanalyse {f}
audience awardPublikumspreis {m}
archi. audience chamberAudienzraum {m}
archi. audience chamberAudienzzimmer {n}
archi. audience chamber [Br.]Audienzsaal {m}
audience discussionPublikumsgespräch {n}
RadioTV audience figuresZuschauerzahlen {pl}
archi. audience hallAudienzhalle {f}
audience memberZuhörer {m}
film theatre audience memberZuschauer {m}
sports theatre audience participationZuschauerbeteiligung {f}
audience prizePublikumspreis {m}
audience profilePublikumsstruktur {f}
market. audience profileZuschauerprofil {n}
RadioTV audience questionZuschauerfrage {f}
RadioTV audience ratingEinschaltquote {f}
theatre RadioTV audience responseZuschauerreaktion {f}
audience roomAudienzzimmer {n}
theatre audience shareZuschaueranteil {m}
RadioTV audience share [TV]Zuschauerquote {f}
audience volunteerFreiwilliger {m} aus dem Publikum
audience walkout[Zuschauer, die eine öffentliche Aufführung (Kino, Konzert, Versammlung) demonstrativ vorzeitig verlassen]
RadioTV canned audiencePublikumsgeräusch {n} vom Band
theatre capacity audienceausverkauftes Haus {n}
theatre capacity audiencevolles Haus {n}
captive audiencegefesseltes Publikum {n} [höchst aufmerksames]
captive audienceunfreiwilliges Publikum {n}
circus audienceZirkuspublikum {n}
circus audience {sg}Zirkuszuschauer {pl}
mus. concert audienceKonzertpublikum {n}
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A 2021-03-07: This side of the herring pond, a +captive room+ suggests a captive audience
Q 2020-10-23: It's called pleasing the audience.
Q 2019-09-19: catch up the audience
Q 2018-01-21: audience chat
Q 2018-01-16: talking to audience
Q 2018-01-03: Talking to audience
Q 2017-12-30: Difficult to hear due to audience
A 2015-09-09: audience
A 2015-06-18: a stand up comedian just tells jokes (often old or corny chestnuts) to the...
A 2015-05-18: Depends on audience
A 2015-04-14: dann vielleicht: the select audience, the target audience
A 2015-04-14: Viewer/viewers or possibly audience.
A 2015-04-04: Depends on audience & context
A 2014-09-11: depends on audience
A 2014-07-04: Elaboration: Among the UK upper classes, say +What?+ rather than +Pardon?+...
A 2014-05-03: An audience that is not only enthusiastic about the becoming standard catw...
A 2014-03-11: I agree that it needs to be tailored to the target audience.
A 2013-04-09: to engage the audience
A 2013-03-29: I would define it more as "through-the-backdoor advertising to a captive a...
A 2012-08-07: The joke is old and probably wouldn't make much sense to a contemporary Ge...

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