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English-German translation for: auf Schwarzer geschminkt
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auf Schwarzer geschminkt in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: auf Schwarzer geschminkt

Translation 1 - 50 of 9967  >>

hist. in blackface {adj}auf Schwarzer geschminkt [ugs.]
Partial Matches
to be on sb.'s shit list [vulg.] [idiom]auf jds. schwarzer Liste stehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
made up {past-p}geschminkt
made-up {adj} {past-p}geschminkt
cosmet. maquillaged {adj}geschminkt
painted {adj} {past-p} [woman, face]geschminkt
heavily made-up {adj}stark geschminkt
to have one's face on [Am.] [coll.] [have applied one's makeup]geschminkt sein
cosmet. shadowed {adj} {past-p} [eye make-up]mit Lidschatten geschminkt
Too late, I got my face on. [Am.] [coll.]Zu spät, bin schon geschminkt.
bot. T
black [person]Schwarzer {m}
Black [person]Schwarzer {m}
black manSchwarzer {m}
blackie [pej.] [black person]Schwarzer {m}
blacky [pej.] [black person]Schwarzer {m}
brother [black man] [coll.]Schwarzer {m}
jigaboo [Am.] [a black person] [offensive] [hate word]Schwarzer {m}
jiggaboo [spv.] [Am.] [a black person] [offensive] [hate word]Schwarzer {m}
shine [Am.] [sl.] [pej.] [a black person] [offensive] [hate word]Schwarzer {m}
spook [esp. Am.] [sl.] [dated] [a black person] [offensive] [hate word]Schwarzer {m}
blackey [spv.] [pej.] [black person]Schwarzer {m} [pej.]
boy [Am.] [offensive slang for African American](schwarzer) Diener {m}
film token black guy [sl.]Alibi-Schwarzer {m}
hist. Order of the Black EagleSchwarzer Adlerorden {m}
ethn. African American [Am.]schwarzer Amerikaner {m}
black Americanschwarzer Amerikaner {m}
theatre blacks [black backdrop]schwarzer Aushang {m}
pol. black blocSchwarzer Block {m}
black fellowschwarzer Bursche {m}
black diamondschwarzer Diamant {m}
hist. stocks Black ThursdaySchwarzer Donnerstag {m}
geogr. Black DrinSchwarzer Drin {m}
black dotschwarzer Fleck {m}
black spotschwarzer Fleck {m}
hist. stocks Black FridaySchwarzer Freitag {m}
sports black beltschwarzer Gürtel {m}
med. (malignant) melanomaschwarzer Hautkrebs {m}
med. black cancer [dated] [malignant melanoma]schwarzer Hautkrebs {m}
warlockschwarzer Hexer {m}
black humor [Am.]schwarzer Humor {m}
black humour [Br.]schwarzer Humor {m}
dark humour [Br.]schwarzer Humor {m}
morbid sense of humor [Am.]schwarzer Humor {m}
morbid sense of humour [Br.]schwarzer Humor {m}
sick humour [Br.]schwarzer Humor {m}
gastr. black currant juiceschwarzer Johannisbeersaft {m}
gastr. blackcurrant juiceschwarzer Johannisbeersaft {m}
bot. blackcurrant bushschwarzer Johannisbeerstrauch {m}
geol. Black JuraSchwarzer Jura {m}
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• auf Schwarzer geschminkt
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