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English-German translation for: aufs Tor köpfen
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: aufs Tor köpfen

Translation 1 - 50 of 413  >>

VERB   aufs Tor köpfen | köpfte aufs Tor/aufs Tor köpfte | aufs Tor geköpft
sports to head goalwards [football]aufs Tor köpfen
Partial Matches
sports to nod over [football](den Ball) übers Tor köpfen
sports shot on target [football]Schuss {m} aufs Tor
sports to take a shot at (the) goal [football / soccer]aufs Tor schießen [Fußball]
sports to piledrive the ball at the goal [sports jargon]den Ball aufs Tor buttern [ugs.] [Sportjargon]
tech. Unverified to delidköpfen
beheadingKöpfen {n}
to behead sb.jdn. köpfen
to decapitate sb.jdn. köpfen
to decollate sb. [archaic] [to behead]jdn. köpfen
to obtruncate sb. [Am.] [behead]jdn. köpfen
hort. to deadhead [flowers]köpfen [Blumen]
sports to head [football]köpfen [Fußball]
gastr. sabering [champagne bottles]Champagner-Köpfen {n} [Sabrieren]
sports to head the ball for the winning goaldas Siegtor köpfen
gastr. to break an egg [cut the top off a boiled egg]ein Ei köpfen
majority in numberMehrheit {f} nach Köpfen
with heads spinning {adv} [fig.]mit rauchenden Köpfen [fig.]
to crack (open) the bubbly [coll.]den Champagner köpfen [ugs.]
sports to nod home [football]in die Maschen köpfen
change in people's mindsVeränderung {f} in den Köpfen
sth. is going through people's minds [idiom]etw. rumort in den Köpfen [Redewendung]
to do the job properlyNägel mit Köpfen machen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to do the thing properlyNägel mit Köpfen machen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to fish or cut bait [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]Nägel mit Köpfen machen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to make a real job of itNägel mit Köpfen machen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
in the minds of (the) people {adv}in den Köpfen der Menschen / Leute
to crack (open) a bottle of wine / champagneeine Flasche Wein / Sekt köpfen [ugs.]
to appoint a 12-member committeeeine Kommission aus 12 Köpfen einsetzen
film F The Lion Has Seven Heads [original title: Der Leone Have Sept Cabeças] [Glauber Rocha]Der Löwe mit den sieben Köpfen
gastr. to slice off the top of an egg [boiled egg]ein Ei köpfen [ugs.] [i. d. R. Frühstücksei]
People still believe in it.Der Gedanke spukt noch immer in den Köpfen.
People still haven't given up the idea.Der Gedanke spukt noch immer in den Köpfen.
The idea still hasn't been laid to rest.Der Gedanke spukt noch immer in den Köpfen.
to put one's money where one's mouth is [coll.] [idiom]Nägel mit Köpfen machen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [bes. in finanzieller Hinsicht]
The thought still haunts people's minds. [fig.]Der Gedanke spukt noch immer in den Köpfen der Leute. [fig.]
gateTor {n}
gatewayTor {n}
sports goalTor {n}
archi. portalTor {n}
sports hoop [croquet]Tor {n} [Krocket]
sports wicket [Am.] [hoop in croquet]Tor {n} [Krocket]
archi. gatehouseTor {n} [Torhaus]
geogr. travel TrVocab. Brandenburg GateBrandenburger Tor {n}
wide doorbreites Tor {n}
sports liberating goalerlösendes Tor {n}
Hampshire gateHampshire-Tor {n}
back gatehinteres Tor {n}
Ishtar GateIschtar-Tor {n}
archaeo. hist. Cleopatra's Gate [Tarsus]Kleopatra-Tor {n}
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• aufs Tor köpfen
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auf Straßenhöhe

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