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English-German translation for: author's
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Dictionary English German: author's

Translation 1 - 21 of 21


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lit. [novel concerned with the author's critical analysis of the age in which s/he lives]
Zeitroman {m}
libr. publ. autograph [manuscript in the author's handwriting]
Autograph {n}
2 Words
author's alteration <a.a., AA>vom Autor geändert
acad. publ. author's agreementAutorenvertrag {m}
print author's alteration <a.a., AA>Autorenkorrektur {f} <AK>
law publ. author's contractAutorenvertrag {m}
publ. author's copyAutorenexemplar {n}
publ. author's correctionVerfasserkorrektur {f}
print author's correction <AC>Autorenkorrektur {f} <AK>
author's correctionsKorrekturen {pl} des Verfassers
gastr. author's cuisineAutorenküche {f}
publ. author's editionSelbstverlag {m}
author's feeTantieme {f}
author's nameAutorenname {m}
author's nameVerfassername {m}
journ. lit. author's note <A/N>Anmerkung {f} des Autors
author's note <A/N>Anmerkung {f} des Verfassers <Anm. d. Verf.>
author's remunerationVergütung {f} des Autors
law publ. author's rights {pl}Urheberrecht {n}
3 Words
law author's moral rightUrheberpersönlichkeitsrecht {n}
4 Words
with the author's compliments {adv}mit den Grüßen des Autors
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A 2019-02-08: Copy&past error: ... stating the +author's+ credentials.
A 2017-09-24: ... which the authors endeavor to test. / Curiously enough, the author's (...
A 2016-12-04: But the published translation quoted above ditches the character of the au...
A 2016-12-03: Shall we give the author's wording the benefit of poetic licence? VT PICTV...
A 2015-11-19: +thanks to the author's proven track record+ -
A 2015-06-16: Interesting 2010 article about the author's ideas taking root in Spain.
A 2013-05-08: author's feeble attempt at descriptive imagery
A 2012-09-10: If you made the table in MS Word, I would use (author's compilation).
A 2012-09-10: Usually, (author's compilation)
A 2012-09-10: If it's a graphic, "(author's illustration)" is used often in U.S. academi...
A 2012-03-23: The phrase in question is the author's voice.
A 2011-11-27: Author's Big Idea ~ Grundidee des Schriftstellers
Q 2011-11-27: Artikel über emotionale Intelligenz - "Quick Book" und "Author's Bio" unbekannt
A 2011-09-02: In scientific literature, "(Author's illustration)" is used quite a bit un...
Q 2011-04-02: the author's technique
A 2010-11-07: Thanks so much, Lisa... and more than true what you're writing about the a...
A 2010-08-03: How would I define the author's style? Very difficult to translate ;-))
A 2010-07-04: The author's usage is correct.
A 2009-12-01: the author's mistake
A 2009-03-04: yes, more or less. But what can you do against the author's powers of phra...

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author's agreement
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author's copy
author's correction
author's corrections
author's cuisine
author's edition
author's fee

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