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English-German translation for: authorities
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Dictionary English German: authorities

Translation 1 - 50 of 99  >>

English German
NOUN   an authority | authorities
SYNO   authorities | government | regime
Behörden {pl}
admin. authorities {pl}
Behörde {f}
Autoritäten {pl}
law authorities [powers]
Befugnisse {pl}
pol. authorities [people in power]
Machthaber {pl}
Obrigkeiten {pl}
Amtsbefugnisse {pl}
authorities [representatives of local governments]Behördenvertreter {pl} [lokal, regional]
the authorities {pl}die Obrigkeit {f}
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. aeronautical authoritiesLuftfahrtbehörden {pl}
authorities concernedzuständige Behörden {pl}
admin. aviat. aviation authoritiesLuftfahrtbehörden {pl}
building authoritiesBauverwaltungen {pl}
camp authorities {pl}Lagerleitung {f}
relig. church authoritiesKirchenbehörden {pl}
relig. church authorities {pl}Kirchenbehörde {f}
civilian authoritieszivile Behörden {pl}
competent authoritieszuständige Behörden {pl}
constituted authoritiesverfassungsmäßige Behörden {pl}
customs authorities {pl}Zollbehörde {f}
pol. Czech authoritiestschechische Behörden {pl}
relig. ecclesiastical authoritiesKirchenbehörden {pl}
admin. educ. pol. education authoritiesBildungsbehörden {pl}
federal authoritiesBundesbehörden {pl}
governmental authoritiesRegierungsstellen {pl}
immigration authoritiesEinwanderungsbehörde {f}
immigration authorities {pl}Fremdenpolizei {f} [bes. österr., schweiz. für Ausländerbehörde]
law investigation authoritiesErmittlungsbehörden {pl}
law investigative authoritiesErmittlungsbehörden {pl}
law judicial authoritiesJustizbehörden {pl}
law legal authoritiesJustizbehörden {pl}
law legal authoritiesRechtsinstanzen {pl}
local authoritiesKommunalbehörden {pl}
local authoritiesörtliche Behörden {pl}
local authorities {pl}Ortsbehörde {f}
admin. mil. military authoritiesMilitärbehörden {pl}
monetary authoritiesWährungshüter {pl}
municipal authoritiesGemeindebehörden {pl}
admin. municipal authorities [town, city]Stadtverantwortliche {pl}
admin. municipal authorities {pl}Magistrat {m}
occupation authoritiesBesatzungsbehörden {pl}
admin. passport authorities {pl}Passbehörde {f}
postal authoritiesPostbehörden {pl}
prison authorities {pl}Gefängnisaufsicht {f}
law prosecuting authoritiesStrafverfolgungsbehörden {pl}
admin. public authoritiesBehörden {pl}
admin. public authoritiesHoheitsträger {pl}
public authoritiesöffentliche Behörden {pl}
fin. pol. public authorities [budgets]öffentliche Haushalte {pl}
regional authorities {pl}Landesamt {n}
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A 2021-01-23: competent authorities
A 2019-02-07: Fees and services received by local authorities
A 2017-11-30: active voice: The Austrian authorities face / are facing the following problem:
A 2017-11-30: The Austrian authorities are faced with the following problem.
A 2017-03-22: There are a few authorities whose knowledge of English can(not) be doubted:
Q 2015-09-30: delay in payments by authorities
A 2015-08-25: discussion of and agreement on the technical solution with the authorities
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A 2013-01-23: Authorities for English spelling
A 2012-10-13: Geschwurbel is babble. Amtsgeschwurbel means babble of local authorities o...
A 2011-10-18: Responsibilities instead of authorities
A 2011-06-27: This could easily lead to the suspicion that an attempt is being made to i...
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A 2011-01-09: They foster interferences/manipulations of state authorities
A 2010-12-05: We need a consensus for Dict.cc in a question where the authorities disagree

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