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English-German translation for: auto painter
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Dictionary English German: auto painter

Translation 1 - 50 of 249  >>

NOUN   an auto painter | auto painters
jobs auto painter [Am.]Autolackierer {m}
jobs auto painter [Am.] [female]Autolackiererin {f}
Partial Matches
jobs painterAnstreicher {m}
art jobs painterKunstmaler {m}
jobs painterLackierer {m}
jobs painter [female]Anstreicherin {f}
jobs painter [female]Kunstmalerin {f}
art jobs academic painterakademischer Maler {m}
art amateur painterFreizeitmaler {m}
art amateur painterHobbymaler {m}
art animal painterTiermaler {m}
jobs apprentice painterMalerlehrling {m}
art hist. baroque painterBarockmaler {m}
art hist. Baroque painterBarockmaler {m}
art hist. Bauhaus painterBauhaus-Maler {m}
art hist. Bauhaus painterBauhausmaler {m}
art bird painterVogelmaler {m}
archaeo. art cave painterHöhlenmaler {m}
art jobs china painterPorzellanmaler {m}
art relig. church painterKirchenmaler {m}
art hist. court painterHofmaler {m}
art jobs theatre decorative painterBühnenbildmaler {m}
art decorative painterZiermaler {m}
art equine painterPferdemaler {m}
art figure painterFigurenmaler {m}
art jobs fresco painterFreskomaler {m}
art genre painterGenremaler {m}
art historical painterHistorienmaler {m}
art history painterHistorienmaler {m}
jobs house painterAnstreicher {m}
art relig. icon painterIkonenmaler {m}
jobs journeyman painterMalergeselle {m} [veraltend]
art landscape painterLandschaftsmaler {m}
art landscape painterPaysagist {m} [veraltet]
art marine painterMarinemaler {m}
art film jobs matte painterMatte-Künstler {m}
art mouth painterMundmaler {m}
naut. Unverified painter lineFangleine {f}
constr. painter scaffoldMalergerüst {n}
art jobs porcelain painterPorzellanmaler {m}
art portrait painterBildnismaler {m}
art portrait painterPortraitmaler {m} [alt]
art portrait painterPorträtist {m}
art portrait painterPorträtmaler {m}
art hist. Renaissance painterRenaissancemaler {m}
art jobs theatre scene painterBühnenbildmaler {m}
art theatre scene painterBühnenmaler {m}
art jobs sign painterSchildermaler {m}
tech. spray painterFarbsprühdüse {f}
art jobs theatre stage painterDekorationsmaler {m}
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