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English-German translation for: automated
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Dictionary English German: automated

Translation 1 - 68 of 68

English German
VERB  to automate | automated | automated ... 
SYNO   automated | machine-controlled ... 
automated {adj} {past-p}
automated {adj}
sb. automated sth.jd. stellte etw. auf Automation um
2 Words: Others
because sb. automatedweil jd. auf Automation umstellte
tech. fully automated {adj}vollautomatisch
fully automated {adj}vollautomatisiert
highly automated {adj}hochautomatisiert
partly automated {adj}teilautomatisiert
tech. semi-automated {adj}halbautomatisiert
2 Words: Nouns
automot. comp. automated drivingautomatisiertes Fahren {n}
tech. automated machiningautomatisierte Bearbeitung {f}
automated manufacturingautomatisierte Fertigung {f}
agr. automated milkingautomatisches Melken {n}
comp. tech. automated processingDunkelverarbeitung {f}
automated productionautomatisierte Produktion {f}
comp. publ. automated publishingautomatisiertes Publishing {n}
automated servicingautomatisierte Bedienung {f}
automated settlementautomatisierte Abrechnung {f}
tech. automated systemautomatisiertes System {n}
automated systemsautomatisierte Systeme {pl}
print automated typesettingautomatischer Satz {m}
automated warehouseautomatisiertes Lager {n}
3 Words: Nouns
fin. automated banking machine <ABM> [Can.]Geldautomat {m}
automated clearing houseautomatisierte Verrechnungsstelle {f}
automated clearing houseGironetz {n} für das Mengengeschäft
fin. Automated Clearing House <ACH>Clearing-Zentrale {f}
film automated dialogue replacementautomatische Dialogersetzung {f}
FireResc MedTech. automated external defibrillator <AED>Frühdefibrillator {m}
MedTech. automated external defibrillator <AED>Laiendefibrillator {m} [ugs.]
MedTech. automated external defibrillator <AED>automatisierter externer Defibrillator {m} <AED>
transp. automated guided vehicle <AGV>fahrerloses Transportfahrzeug {n} <FTF>
med. automated lamellar keratoplasty <ALK>automatisierte lamelläre Keratoplastik {f} <ALK>
automated logic diagramrechnererzeugter Ablaufplan {m}
automated material storeautomatisiertes Materiallager {n}
automated operating procedureautomatisierter Arbeitsprozess {m}
comp. med. psych. automated pain recognition <APR>automatisierte Schmerzerkennung {f} <AS>
comm. automated picking systemKommissionierautomat {m}
automated production controlautomatische Produktionssteuerung {f}
ind. automated production systemsautomatisierte Fertigungssysteme {pl}
automated quotation systemautomatisches Quotierungssystem {n}
weapons automated target recognitionautomatische Zielerkennung {f}
fin. automated teller (machine) <ATM> [Am.] [Aus.] [Ind.]Geldautomat {m}
automated teller machineautomatischer Bankschalter {m}
automated teller machine <ATM>Geldautomat {m}
automated teller machine <ATM>multifunktionaler Bankautomat {m}
automated teller machine <ATM> [Am.]Bancomat {m} [schweiz.] [ital.]
automated teller machine <ATM> [Am.]Geldausgabeautomat {m} <GAA>
comm. automated teller safe <ATS>automatischer Kassentresor {m} <AKT>
automated transfer serviceautomatisierter Überweisungsverkehr {m}
astronau automated transfer vehicle <ATV>automatisches Transferfahrzeug {n}
automated typesetting systemautomatisiertes Satzsystem {n}
tech. automated vehicle location <AVL> [Am.]automatische Fahrzeuglokalisierung {f}
tape automated bonding <TAB>Filmbonden {n} [Direktmontage von Mikrochips]
4 Words: Nouns
automated fingerprint identification system <AFIS>automatisiertes Fingerabdruckidentifizierungssystem {n} <AFIS>
admin. law Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems <AFIS>Automatisches Fingerabdruck-Identifikationssystem {n} <AFIS>
transp. automated guided vehicle system <AGVS>fahrerloses Transportsystem {n} <FTS>
MedTech. automated implantable cardioverter-defibrillator <AICD>automatisierter implantierbarer Herzdefibrillator {m}
MedTech. automated insulin delivery system [artificial pancreas]künstliche Bauchspeicheldrüse {f}
MedTech. automated insulin delivery system [artificial pancreas]künstliches Pankreas {n}
med. MedTech. automated insulin delivery system <AID, AID system>automatisiertes Insulinabgabe-System {n} <AID, AID-System>
electr. automated test pattern generation <ATPG>automatische Testmustergenerierung {f}
gastr. fully automated coffee machineKaffeevollautomat {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
automated installation and diagnostic serviceautomatisches Installations- und Diagnosesystem {n}
comp. completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart <CAPTCHA>Captcha {m} {n}
tech. fully automated parent roll transport system [paper technology]automatisches Volltambourtransportsystem {n}
Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System <IAFIS> [U.S.]IAFIS-System {n}
econ. National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations <NASDAQ>NASDAQ {f} [größte elektronische Börse in den USA, gemessen an der Zahl der gelisteten Unternehmen]
stocks Stock Exchange Automated Quotation system <SEAQ>[Londoner automatisches Börsenhandels- und Notierungssystem]
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A 2017-08-24: Target specifications for an automated assembly and test line
Q 2017-08-24: Target specifications for an automated assembly and test line
Q 2017-08-24: Target specifications for an automated assembly and test line
A 2017-08-24: Target specifications for an automated assembly and test line
Q 2017-08-23: Target specifications for an automated assembly and test line
Q 2017-08-23: Target specifications for an automated assembly and test line
A 2014-09-25: It looks like it's not entirely automated
Q 2013-09-13: Deckungseingang - automated bank transfers
A 2012-04-03: List of automated data processing procedures [in accordance with Section 4...
A 2012-03-15: Guter Hinweis, danke! Tippfehlerchen: ... automated +erection+
A 2010-04-25: automated strategic voters
A 2010-01-29: I suppose it's part of an automated feeding system
A 2009-11-20: Data compiled in the automated process
A 2009-06-03: an automated machine
A 2009-05-27: The page of which you run / are running an automated scan
A 2009-05-27: ... page not designed for automated call-up
A 2008-06-15: the IT process 'Automated Batching' was (consisted) ... (of) multiplexing
A 2008-06-15: ah yes, thanks meto. where does Automated batching fit in?
A 2008-06-03: automated sweeps
Q 2008-05-27: automated sweeps

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