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English-German translation for: average
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Dictionary English German: average

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NOUN   an average | averages
VERB  to average | averaged | averaged ... 
SYNO   to average | to average out | average ... 
average {adj}
average {adj}
average {adj}
to average
fin. to averagedurchschnittlich betragen
to averagedurchschnittlich verdienen
to averageim Durchschnitt betragen
math. stat. average <avg.>
Durchschnitt {m}
stat. average
Mittelwert {m}
naut. average
Havarie {f}
stat. average
Mittel {n}
Schnitt {m} [Durchschnitt]
insur. average
Schaden {m} [auf See]
comm. law average
Beschädigung {f}
insur. law naut. average [loss, damage]
Seeschaden {m} [Havarieschaden]
law naut. average
Haverei {f} [Havarie]
naut. average
Havariekostenanteil {m}
naut. average
Havariekostenteilung {f}
2 Words: Others
above average {adj}über Durchschnitt
above average {adv}überm Durchschnitt [ugs.]
above average {adv}überm Schnitt [ugs.] [über dem Durchschnitt]
above average {adv}über dem Durchschnitt
above average {adv}über dem Schnitt [Durchschnitt]
above average {adj} [postpos.]überdurchschnittlich
above-average {adj}überdurchschnittlich
average-sized {adj}von durchschnittlicher Größe [nachgestellt]
below average {adv}unter Durchschnitt
below average {adv}unterm Durchschnitt [ugs.]
below average {adv}unterm Schnitt [ugs.] [unter dem Durchschnitt]
below average {adv}unter dem Durchschnitt
below average {adv}unter dem Schnitt
below-average {adj}unterdurchschnittlich
on average {adv}durchschnittlich
math. on average {adv}im Mittel
on average {adv}im Schnitt [im Durchschnitt]
on average {adv} <on av.>im Durchschnitt <i. D.>
over-average {adj}überdurchschnittlich
insur. with average {adv} <WA>einschließlich Beschädigung
2 Words: Verbs
to average (over sth.) [any average]einen Mittelwert (aus etw.Dat.) bilden
to average (over sth.) [the only possible average]den Mittelwert (aus etw.Dat.) bilden
to average downniedriger nachkaufen
fin. to average outdurchschnittlich betragen
to average outden Durchschnitt ermitteln
to average out [even out]sich ausgleichen [z. B. über die Zeit]
to average uphöher nachkaufen
2 Words: Nouns
educ. 4.0 average [Am.]Einser-Durchschnitt {m}
annual averageJahresdurchschnitt {m}
annual averageJahresmittel {n}
annual averageJahresmittelwert {m}
math. stat. arithmetic averagearithmetischer Mittelwert {m}
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A 2018-12-03: I would say that the average British person doesn't know that fairy tale.
A 2017-01-27: An A is prettty good for average ;)
A 2017-01-26: The average user won't be reading the guidelines.
A 2017-01-19: the comfort zone formed according to the average audible range of sproken ...
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A 2015-10-28: Your 13:27 'news' story regarding Austria must be read with 14:39 in mind....
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A 2015-06-19: reasonable (hier) = fairly good, fairly high, oder auch nur: average
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A 2015-03-18: Average or maximum?
Q 2015-03-18: average weight of till 30,0 kg
A 2014-12-26: zoologists probably have a different view than the average boat owner
Q 2014-08-10: Grade point average (GPA): how to convert German or Dutch to US format?
A 2013-11-19: English-Finnish was nearly four times the 28-day average -
A 2013-11-04: "Hochbegabt" does in no way imply "above the average" or "above the norm".
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