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English-German translation for: ax
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Dictionary English German: ax

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NOUN   an ax | axes
VERB  to ax | axed | axed ... 
SYNO   to ax | to axe
to ax sth. [Am.]
etw. streichen [kürzen, abschaffen]
to ax [Am.]mit der Axt niederschlagen
tools ax [Am.]
Axt {f}
mus. ax [Am.] [coll.] [electric guitar]
Brett {n} [ugs.] [E-Gitarre]
biochem. arabinoxylan <AX>Arabinoxylan {n}
automot. sports autocross <AX>Autocross {n} <AX>
2 Words
mus. A double sharp <Ax>Aisis {n}
geogr. Åland Islands <.ax>Ålandinseln {pl}
tools ax blade [Am.]Beilklinge {f}
sports ax throwing [Am.]Axtwerfen {n}
weapons battle ax [Am.]Streitaxt {f}
tools weapons double ax [Am.]Doppelaxt {f}
executioner's ax [Am.]Henkersbeil {n}
archaeo. tools hand ax [Am.]Faustkeil {m}
climbing ice ax [Am.] [hiking and climbing tool used by mountaineers]Eispickel {m} [Bergsteiger-Ausrüstungsgegenstand im Alpinismus auf Hochtouren]
3 Words
RadioTV to ax a show [Am.] [television]eine Fernsehserie absetzen
jobs to get the ax [Am.] [idiom]entlassen werden
5+ Words
to have an ax to grind [Am.] [fig.] [to have private ends to serve]sein eigenes Süppchen kochen [fig.] [hier: eigennützige Zwecke verfolgen]
to have an ax to grind with sb. [Am.] [idiom]mit jdm. ein Hühnchen zu rupfen haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to have no ax to grind [Am.] [fig.]kein persönliches Interesse haben
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Ax [Donald E Westlake]Der Freisteller
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Q 2013-03-13: the ax(e) will swing - auf Deutsch??
A 2007-10-27: p.ax = people approximately
A 2006-10-09: ... rate - I should plump for 'trade earnings t ax rate' which is suppor...

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