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English-German translation for: axes of coordinates
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Dictionary English German: axes of coordinates

Translation 1 - 50 of 64271  >>

math. axes {pl} of coordinatesAchsenkreuz {n}
Partial Matches
math. axis of coordinatesKoordinatenachse {f}
math. origin of coordinatesKoordinatenursprung {m}
math. pair of coordinatesKoordinatenpaar {n}
math. system of coordinatesKoordinatensystem {n}
math. transformation of coordinatesKoordinatentransformation {f}
axes of an aircraftFlugzeugachsen {pl}
anat. axes of the bodyAchsen {pl} des Körpers
points in the system of coordinatesPunkte {pl} im Koordinatensystem
axesÄxte {pl}
axesBeile {pl}
coordinatesKoordinaten {pl}
med. axes syndromeAchsensyndrom {n}
body axesKörperachsen {pl}
comp. coordinate axesKoordinatenachsen {pl}
math. tech. coordinate axes {pl}Achsenkreuz {n}
math. coordinate axes {pl}Koordinatenkreuz {n}
tech. half-axesHalbachsen {pl}
lateral axesQuerachsen {pl}
tech. linear axesLinearachsen {pl}
tech. triad axesdreizählige Drehachsen {pl}
vertical axesVertikalachsen {pl}
archaeo. votive axesVotiväxte {pl}
sb. axes [cancels]jd. beseitigt
axes [pl. of axis]Achsen {pl}
co-ordinate axesKoordinatenachsen {pl}
archi. dimension between axesAchsmaß {n}
phys. parallel axes theoremSatz {m} von Steiner
phys. parallel-axes theoremSteiner'scher Satz {m}
sb. coordinatesjd. koordiniert
atomic coordinatesAtomkoordinaten {pl}
math. barycentric coordinatesbaryzentrische Koordinaten {pl}
math. Cartesian coordinateskartesische Koordinaten {pl}
contact coordinatesKontaktkoordinaten {pl}
math. cylindrical coordinatesZylinderkoordinaten {pl}
math. cylindrical coordinateszylindrische Koordinaten {pl}
geogr. geographic coordinatesgeographische Koordinaten {pl}
math. homogeneous coordinateshomogene Koordinaten {pl}
comp. parallel coordinatesParallelkoordinaten {pl}
math. polar coordinatesPolarkoordinaten {pl}
math. projective coordinateshomogene Koordinaten {pl}
astron. spatial coordinatesräumliche Koordinaten {pl}
math. spherical coordinatesKugelkoordinaten {pl} <KK>
math. spherical coordinatessphärische Koordinaten {pl}
astron. temporal coordinateszeitliche Koordinaten {pl}
math. trilinear coordinatestrilineare Koordinaten {pl}
tech. gantry axes [linear technology]Portalachsen {pl} [Lineartechnik]
math. point P with (the) coordinates x and yPunkt {m} P mit den Koordinaten x und y
electr. QM tech. disposal of end-of-life electrical and electronic appliancesEntsorgung {f} von Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräten
acc. sum-of-the-year's digit method of depreciationarithmetisch-degressive Abschreibung {f}
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