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English-German translation for: axis
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Dictionary English German: axis

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NOUN   an axis | axes
SYNO   axis | axis of rotation | axis vertebra ... 
NOUN   der Axis | die Axes
Achse {f}
Mittellinie {f}
anat. axis <C2, C2 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis II] [second cervical vertebra]
Axis {m} <C2, C 2> [zweiter Halswirbel]
anat. VetMed. epistropheus <C2, C2 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis II] [axis]Axis {m} <C2, C 2> [zweiter Halswirbel]
2 Words: Others
tech. dual-axis {adj} [attr.] <2-axis>zweiaxial <2-axial>
tech. multi-axis {adj} [attr.]mehrachsig
tech. triple-axis {adj} [attr.] <3-axis>dreiaxial <3-axial>
2 Words: Nouns
audio acoustic axisakustische Achse {f}
actual axisIstachse {f}
tech. adjusting axisStellachse {f}
optics tech. axis angleAchsenwinkel {m}
tech. axis angleAchswinkel {m}
tech. axis correctionAchskorrektur {f}
axis cylinderAchsenzylinder {m}
math. med. tech. axis deviationAchsenabweichung {f}
med. axis fractureAxisfraktur {f}
med. axis fracturesAxisfrakturen {pl}
axis labelAchsenbeschriftung {f}
math. mineral. axis orientationAchsenorientierung {f}
axis positionAchsposition {f}
hist. Axis PowersAchsenmächte {pl}
axis ratioAchsübersetzung {f}
axis rotationAchsendrehung {f}
anat. VetMed. axis vertebra <C2, C2 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis II] [second cervical vertebra]Dreher {m} [ugs.] <C2, C 2> [zweiter Halswirbel, Axis]
med. axis-cylinderAchsenzylinder {m}
phys. beam axisStrahlachse {f}
material bending axisBiegeachse {f}
anat. body axisKörperachse {f}
engin. tech. C-axisC-Achse {f}
camera axisKameraachse {f}
biol. cell axisZellachse {f}
central axisMittelachse {f}
phys. centroidal axisSchwerpunktachse {f}
anat. biol. cerebrospinal axiszerebrospinale Achse {f}
chart axisDiagrammachse {f}
dent. condylar axisKondylenachse {f}
bot. cone axisZapfenachse {f}
sports continuous axisEndlosachse {f} [Eistanzen]
math. cross-axisKreuzachse {f}
crystal axisKristallachse {f}
optics tech. cylinder axisZylinderachse {f}
astron. declination axisDeklinationsachse {f}
anat. dens axisDens axis {m} [Zahnfortsatz des Axis]
comp. depth axisTiefenachse {f}
comp. depth axisZ-Achse {f}
diagram axisDiagrammachse {f}
geol. earth's axisErdachse {f}
biol. egg axisEiachse {f}
phys. tech. flow axisStrömungsachse {f}
geol. fold axisFaltenachse {f}
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A 2019-09-20: Extreme Left Axis Deviation
A 2019-09-20: hier ist: marked left axis deviation / überdrehter ...
A 2016-01-03: die Gegenüberstellung von "three-axis variation" und "displacement variati...
Q 2016-01-03: und schon wieder "three-axis"
Q 2016-01-02: three-axis variation information
Q 2016-01-02: a three-axis variation of the rotary switch, three-axis variation information
Q 2013-06-06: "axis" im Brustkorb
Q 2012-04-07: HPA-axis
A 2012-02-21: flush mounted parallel to the axis ?
A 2011-12-11: Correction (having read the LEO thread): The vertical axis gives the perce...
A 2011-12-11: The vertical axis gives the percentage change of the rate of consumption r...
Q 2011-05-11: If the balance on axis A is the same metric as axis B
A 2011-03-27: http://www.axis.com/products/cam_212/ one-click pan/tilt/zoom ..... Sch...
A 2011-02-12: axis versus axle
A 2011-02-12: axle: mechanical; axis: geometric / figurative (Axis Powers)
Q 2011-02-12: axis versus axle
A 2008-10-09: mirror around an axis
A 2008-08-08: Ich kann mich mit sight axis auch irren,
A 2008-08-08: scheint eher *sight axis* zu sein - Plural *axes*
Q 2008-08-07: Four Axis Machining...

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