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English-German translation for: axle
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Dictionary English German: axle

Translation 1 - 50 of 128  >>

English German
NOUN   an axle | axles
Achse {f}
Radachse {f}
2 Words: Others
tech. four-axle {adj} [attr.] <4-axle>vierachsig <4-achsig>
multi-axle {adj} [attr.]mehrachsig
tech. single-axle {adj} [attr.]einachsig
six-axle {adj} [attr.] <6-axle>sechsachsig <6-achsig>
tech. three-axle {adj} [attr.]dreiachsig
tech. two-axle {adj} [attr.]zweiachsig
2 Words: Nouns
tech. (axle) journalAchsstummel {m}
tech. (axle) journalAchszapfen {m}
axle alignmentAchsvermessung {f}
axle arrangementAchsanordnung {f}
axle arrangementRadsatzfolge {f}
axle assemblyAchsaggregat {n}
automot. tech. axle baseAchsstand {m} [Achsabstand]
tech. axle bearingAchslager {n}
tech. axle bearingKugellager {n}
automot. axle bootAchsmanschette {f}
tech. axle boxAchslager {n}
automot. axle casing [Br.]Achsgehäuse {n}
automot. axle configurationRadachsenkonfiguration {f}
rail axle counterAchszähler {m}
automot. tech. axle driveAchsantrieb {m}
axle driveAchsgetriebe {n}
tech. axle endAchsstummel {m}
automot. axle flange [wheels]Achsflansch {m} [Räder]
rail axle fractureAchsbruch {m}
automot. rail axle fractureAchsenbruch {m}
math. axle geometryAchsgeometrie {f}
automot. rail axle guideAchslenker {m}
automot. tech. axle holderAchshalter {m} [DIN 15058]
automot. axle housing [Am.]Achsgehäuse {n}
tech. axle journalAchsschenkel {m}
rail transp. axle loadAchsfahrmasse {f}
transp. axle loadAchslast {f}
rail axle loadRadsatzlast {f}
transp. axle loadsAchslasten {pl}
automot. tech. axle mountingAchsaufhängung {f}
axle sensorAchssensor {m}
tech. axle shaftAchswelle {f}
automot. rail tech. axle spacingAchsabstand {m}
automot. rail tech. axle spacingRadsatzabstand {m}
tech. axle springAchsfeder {f}
axle stand [Br.]Abstützbock {m}
axle stand [Br.]Dreibock {m}
axle stand [Br.]Stützbock {m} [für Fahrzeug]
axle stand [Br.]Unterstellbock {m}
automot. axle tapAchszapfen {m}
tech. axle tubeAchsrohr {n}
axle weightAchslast {f}
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A 2015-09-22: https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?hl=en#hl=en-GB&q=axle+stand
A 2013-04-20: Axle support
Q 2013-04-20: Axle Support Assembly
A 2013-03-01: Achszapfen / stub axle auch bei Jaguar
Q 2013-03-01: "stub axle" ist IMHO falsch eingetragen
A 2011-03-19: front/rear=front or rear, whichever is the drive axle
A 2011-02-12: axis versus axle
A 2011-02-12: axle: mechanical; axis: geometric / figurative (Axis Powers)
Q 2011-02-12: axis versus axle
A 2010-04-19: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&safe=off&q=%22vehicle+axle%22&aq=f&...
A 2010-04-19: axle
A 2009-11-17: try googling "torsion spring bar axle" if it's for vehicle trailers
Q 2009-11-17: Drehschubfederachse = Rubber torsion axle?
A 2009-09-18: king pin bearing; stub axle bearing
Q 2008-02-02: axle articulation
A 2008-01-17: drive-axle tyres gibt's häufig, die US variante *tires* noch öfter.
A 2007-07-10: Anlegeflansch > ? axle flange, Anlegeflanschklappe > ? axle flange gasket
A 2006-04-11: Five-link axle(s)
A 2005-11-03: axle line
A 2005-10-17: ? axle truss / bracing

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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