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English-German translation for: back-up
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Dictionary English German: back up

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NOUN   a back-up | back-ups
VERB  to back up | backed up | backed up ... 
SYNO   to back | to back up | to back up ... 
NOUN   das/[auch] der Back-up | die Back-ups
SEE ALSO  backup
comp. backupBack-up {n} [auch {m}]
bot. tech. back-up {adj}Reserve-
comp. back-up {adj} [copy etc.]Sicherungs- [Kopie usw.]
to back sb. (up)jdm. Rückendeckung geben
to back sb. upjdn. unterstützen [Rückhalt geben]
to back sb. upjdm. den Rücken decken [fig.]
to back sb. upjdm. den Rücken stärken [Redewendung]
to back sb. upsich hinter jdn. stellen [fig.]
to back sb./sth. upjdm./etw. Rückhalt verleihen [geh.]
to back up [confirm]bestätigen
econ. to back up [currency etc.]stützen [Währung etc.]
to back up [dam up]aufstauen
comp. to back up [data]sichern
comp. to back up [data]sicherstellen
comp. to back up [data]eine Sicherheitskopie machen
automot. to back up [drive backwards]zurückfahren
to back up [go backwards]zurückgehen
to back up [move backwards]zurückstoßen
to back up [move backwards]sich rückwärts bewegen
to back up [to justify]rechtfertigen
to back up [toilet]verstopfen
to back up [traffic in a jam]stauen [Verkehr]
to back up sb.jdn. unterstützen
to back up sth. [with evidence]etw. begründen [belegen, untermauern]
comp. back upSicherungskopie {f}
constr. back-upHintermauerung {f}
to back sb. up against sth.jdn. gegen etw.Akk. drängen [rückwärts]
comp. to back up dataDaten sichern
comp. to back up dataDaten sicherstellen
Unverified to back up to sth.an etw.Akk. grenzen / heranreichen
to get sb.'s back up [idiom]jdn. in Harnisch bringen [Redewendung]
to hang sth. back upetw.Akk. zurückhängen [wieder aufhängen]
to put sb.'s back upjdn. irritieren
automot. back-up alarmRückfahrwarneinrichtung {f}
back-up areaHinterland {n}
electr. back-up batteryPufferbatterie {f}
electr. back-up batteryReservebatterie {f}
electr. back-up batteryStützbatterie {f}
automot. back-up light [Am.]Rückfahrscheinwerfer {m}
back-up measuresBegleitmaßnahmen {pl}
back-up measuresflankierende Maßnahmen {pl}
tech. back-up rollStützwalze {f}
back-up scales [generally treated as sg.]Reservewaage {f}
comp. tech. back-up systemReservesystem {n}
electr. battery back-upunterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung {f} <USV>
cloth. lace-up backSchnürrücken {m} [z. B. am Korsett]
massive back-upMegastau {m} [ugs.]
Back up a little!Fahren Sie etwas rückwärts!
cloth. buttoned up the back {adj} [postpos.]hinten geknöpft
to back the truck up [idiom]zurückrudern [ugs.]
to back up a causeeine Sache unterstützen
to back up sth. with equityetw.Akk. mit Eigenkapital unterlegen
to call for back-upVerstärkung anfordern
back-up safety function [EN 292, obsolete]indirekt wirkende Sicherheitsfunktion {f} [EN 292, veraltet]
tech. elastomer back-up ringElastomer-Stützring {m}
cloth. lace-up back bustierBustier {n} mit geschnürtem Rücken
cloth. lace-up back corsetKorsett {n} mit geschnürtem Rücken
cloth. lace-up back dressKleid {n} mit geschnürtem Rücken
cloth. lace-up back gownAbendkleid {n} mit geschnürtem Rücken
electr. tech. standby / back-up operationReservebetrieb {m}
As long as the loo doesn't back up again. [Br.] [coll.]Solange die Toilette nicht wieder verstopft.
idiom I'm fed up to the back teeth! [coll.]Mir stinkt es! [ugs.]
idiom to be fed up / sick to the back teeth (with sth.) [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.](von etw.) die Schnauze voll haben [vulg.]
to be fed up to the back teeth [coll.] [idiom]die Schnauze voll haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to get a patient back up on his feet [idiom] [return to health]einen Patienten wieder auf die Beine stellen [Redewendung]
automot. wireless back-up camera system [Am.]kabelloses Rückfahrkamerasystem {n}
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A 2015-09-23: When managers grasp at straws and sputter in hiring qualified workers, *fa...
A 2013-10-18: Also mit mehr als einem halben Auge: sheeting > Papier-, Plastik- oder Sto...
A 2013-10-18: ... back up +phrasal verb+ http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/back_3
Q 2013-10-18: Back up
A 2013-02-05: Deckungsbeweis - im Sinne von Abdecken, stützen, "beweisen" .... to back u...
A 2012-10-18: Here's a dictionry link to back up Puchenau's answer -
A 2011-09-24: Way, way back up at the top of the thread, I believe I did :-))
A 2011-09-22: Here's something to back up Catwoman's answer -
Q 2011-03-16: nudge back up
A 2010-11-23: To back up and expand on Laura's answer -
A 2010-02-08: To back up Lisa's post -
A 2009-12-10: I just want to back up mwk's post.
Q 2009-09-12: Back up is always on hand
A 2008-11-05: links seem to be back up.
A 2008-07-15: To back up mwk - http://www.askoxford.com/asktheexperts/faq/aboutgrammar/n...
A 2008-06-10: thanks for that...again, no b/w to back up, just the brains here:-)
A 2008-06-10: I was only quicker because I didn't look for anything to back up my claims :-))
A 2008-04-24: To back up ddr - Trentino
A 2008-01-22: To back up Ulla's answer
A 2007-02-04: rücksichern = back up

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