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English-German translation for: badly
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Dictionary English German: badly

Translation 1 - 50 of 159  >>

English German
SYNO   badly | ill | disadvantageously | bad ... 
badly {adv}
badly {adv} [urgently]
badly {adv} [very much]
badly {adv} [very much]
schwer [sehr]
badly {adv}
badly {adv}
badly {adv}
badly {adv}nicht gut
2 Words: Others
badly affected {adj} {past-p}schlimm in Mitleidenschaft gezogen
badly arranged {adj}schlecht arrangiert
badly behaved {adj}unerzogen
badly behaved {adj}ungezogen
constr. badly built {adj} {past-p}verbaut [schlecht, unzweckmäßig gebaut]
badly covered {adj}kaum zugedeckt
badly covered {adj}schlecht zugedeckt
badly damaged {adj}schwer beschädigt
badly done {adj}schlecht gemacht
badly drawn {adj}schlecht gezeichnet
badly dressed {adj}schlecht gekleidet
badly dyed {adj} {past-p}schlecht gefärbt
badly equipped {adj}schlecht ausgestattet
badly formed {adj}schlecht geformt
badly groomed {adj}ungepflegt
badly groomed {adj}schlecht gebürstet
badly hurt {adj}schwer getroffen
badly informed {adj}schlecht informiert
badly injured {adj}schwerverletzt [Rsv.] [schwer verletzt]
badly injured {adj}schwer verletzt
badly integrated {adj}schlecht integriert
badly kept {adj}schlecht erhalten
badly kept {adj}schlecht gehalten
badly made {adj}schlecht gearbeitet
badly made {adj} [badly manufactured]schlecht gefertigt
badly maintained {adj}schlecht erhalten
badly needed {adj}dringend benötigt
badly needed {adj}dringend erforderlich
badly needed {adj}dringend notwendig
badly nourished {adj} {past-p}schlecht ernährt
badly off {adj}schwach bei Kasse [ugs.]
badly organized {adj}schlecht organisiert
badly outlined {adj}schlecht umrissen
badly packed {adj}schlecht gepackt
badly packed {adj}schlecht verpackt
badly paid {adj}schlecht bezahlt
badly planned {adj} {past-p}schlecht geplant
badly prepared {adj} {past-p}schlecht vorbereitet
badly proportioned {adj}schlecht proportioniert
badly run {adj} {past-p}schlecht geführt
badly scratched {adj}übel zerkratzt
badly served {adj} {past-p}schlecht bedient
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A 2021-01-15: +overinterpret+ does badly in English dictionaries https://www.onelook.co...
Q 2019-03-21: I wanted him so badly, to the exclusion of all less.
A 2017-11-04: dann vielleicht: that was just a badly laid on act
A 2015-04-02: damageable / "badly" ....
A 2014-07-09: worse - most badly / worst
A 2014-07-09: badly - worse - worst
Q 2014-07-09: badly
A 2014-02-24: I guess it could be "barely" instead of "badly"
Q 2014-02-24: I have badly begun to reconceive what I believe
A 2013-10-10: nix mit bad/badly
A 2013-08-11: to pass off (well / badly) - (gut / schlecht) verlaufen; hier: noch hi...
A 2013-01-31: Suggestions: +die Schlafläuse haben > to be badly in need of sleep / to be...
A 2012-12-11: There's also a "to act out," which means "to behave badly / to make trouble."
A 2012-04-04: ... the gardener cut his finger badly / badly cut his finger.
A 2012-04-02: (Last night) I slept (quite) badly (last night).
Q 2011-12-26: People do not treat others badly because...
A 2011-12-05: Badly worded, and the comma is wrong.
A 2011-07-07: Badly split infinitive
A 2011-05-22: Years ago, returning from spring skiing, our Morris Minor developed a badl...
A 2011-04-17: Must be +property values+ - obviously a passage badly edited by the writer...

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